Chapter 5: Suspicious activites...

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"Yay it's the first meeting!~" Tino sang.
They were all sat at a table in one of the many classrooms.
Emil raised his hand and asked,
"So... What do we do exactly..."
"Drink alcohol, eat candy and you know that kind of thing!" he replied.
"Umm isn't alcohol illegal for people our age?" Emil shot back.
"Yeah whatever little boy," his tone gradually got a bit more harsh.
"I'm not a little boy dumbass..." he answered back with a slight growl.
"You and me are not going to get along if you talk to me with that kind of attitude!" Tino had a really annoyed look on his face.
He calmed down a bit then pulled out a bottle and a ton of cakes, candy and cookies from his backpack.
"Enjoy~" he started to open the bottle until he was interrupted by Lukas.
"Is that seriously all we do?!"
Tino raised his head, his face was plastered with an agitated look.
"Yes Lukas, aren't you having fun," he growled through gritted teeth.
"Not exactly..."
Tino's face grew red and steam began to emit from his ears, he looked as if he was about to pounce on Lukas any second until Berwald put a hand on his shoulder then whispered something in his ear resulting in Tino's crimson face to become it's usual pale colour.
"Hmph, ok sorry about that but will you still eat my delicous Finnish candy, pwease," he made hopeful puppy eyes. Of course these did not effect Mathias, Lukas or Emil but not wanting to cause any more trouble, they agreed.

About ten minutes later though Tino had managed to persuade everyone to have at least a glass... or two of wine.
It took only a few sips to get Emil pretty much completely intoxicated, he stumbled around singing songs out of tune which made some kind of entertainment for the others.
A few minutes later Lukas, Mathias and Tino were also drunk.

Mathias and Lukas were sat down and leant against a bookcase. Emil had calmed down and was sprawled across two chairs, knocked out. Tino and Berwald were leant against each other in the corner of the room.
"Mathias," Lukas poked him multiple times until he finally turned to face him.
"Yeah," he slurred.
"I really like you, It may seem like I hate you sometimes but I dooooooo~" Lukas jumped on Mathias and squeezed him tight.
"I like you too Lukaass~" he purred, wrapping his arms around Lukas.

"Get up!" Emil yelled at the two that were tangled together on the floor.
Lukas sat up at looked at Mathias beside him and screamed,
"Arggggghhhh GET OFF ME!"
He sprang up and saluted.
"YES SIR!" he shouted back.
"It's half past one, we need to get out of here!" Emil dragged Lukas and Mathias over to the door where Tino and Berwald stood.

"All the doors are locked!" Mathias messed around with handle of one of the many exit doors in the building,
"This is your fault Tino..." Lukas gave Tino a death glare.
"Hmph sorry for just wanting to have a good time!" he huffed in reply.
Emil hit them both on the head,
"Stop arguing dumbasses!"
"What about that old moldy door that's at the other end of the school?" Lukas suggested whilst rubbing his head.
"Yeah I could kick it down with my awesome strength!" Mathias fist pumped the air.
"Yeah you mean your non existant strength, just come one idiot," Lukas grabbed Mathias' tie and dragged him along the corridor.

Tino jumped at the door and booted it down before anyone else could get to it.
"Freeeeedoooommm!" Mathias yelled as he ran out of the door.
Lukas ran after him then thumped him on the head,
"Shut up Idiot!"
Tino and Berwald strolled casually outside whilst Emil followed a few metres behind.

The next day everyone sat in the club room waiting for Tino.
"Where the hell is he?" Emil mumbled.
"You're especially moody today," Mathias patted his head.
"Don't touch me, molester," Emil growled.
The doors suddenly flung open revealing Tino with a huge smile on his face.
"Yay you all turned up! Sorry but club activites are cancelled today byyeee~"
He dragged Berwald out of the door and slammed the door leaving the three that were left, shocked.
"I gotta go see you later bye," Emil speed walked out of the door.
"He left rather fast let's follow him..." Lukas stood up and pulled Mathias with him.
"You're coming too idiot,"

"Why's he just standing there?!" Lukas thought aloud.
Lukas and Mathias had hidden themselves in a bush so they could spy on Emil from a safe distance.
"He could have an imaginary friend!" Mathias giggled.
"I don't think he's the kind of person to have an imaginary friend especially at the age he is idiot," Lukas retorted.
"I'm bored though!"
"Your staying with me until we find out what he's doing!" Lukas stepped out of the bush and walked over to Emil.
He jumped around to see Lukas staring at him in a suspicious way.
"Uh, what are you doing here?!"
"Nothing, what are you doing here?"
"You're very jumpy little brother..."
"Hm whatever..."
Lukas walked away and when Emil turned around he once again ducked back into his hiding spot.
"He's very jumpy..."
"He looked pretty embarrassed too..." Mathias peeked through a gap in the bush.
"Hey he's leaving!" he exclaimed.
Lukas dragged Mathias out of the bush and they continued to follow Emil.

"He's just going home, this is rather strange..." Lukas muttered as him and Mathias approached their houses.

Another chapter complete woo XD Oh yeah and i'm gonna be adding in some other pairings too though obviously the main focus will still be on DenNor.
Thanks for reading bye~

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