7. Starting Point

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"Get the camera away from me," Avi mutters, pushing my hand softly. He was so against the whole documentary thing.

I sigh, and drop the camera down to my side. "Avi, come on. It's going to be fun! You'll see," I tell him. I was trying to get him to agree. I wanted to do something special before he died. This way everyone would remember him. Well...all of his family and whatever friends he had.

"Why are you even making this?" He asks me. "I don't have any friends that would watch it, and I'm pretty sure my family would just love to see what I went through before I died."

He had basically accepted that he was dying now. He wanted to die. "Avi, you aren't going anytime soon," I lie. He could drop dead right now or tomorrow morning. There was no telling when the day would come. "You've got time to meet a girl--"

"Boy," he interrupts.

I felt my mouth drop open. "Oh, you're gay," I ask. Well that was a surprise. "Christ, I thought I had a crush on a straight guy this whole time."

He seemed to take the joke seriously. He looks up at me quickly, eyes wide. "A-are you serious?"

I shrugged, and decided to go along with it. "You really think that I was the one who broke your heart in Hebrew school, but really it was you who broke my heart," I play along.

Avi raises an eyebrow at me, really not sure if I was telling the truth. "You're a cutie, Avi," I shrugged.

He stood awkwardly in my basement, looking down at his shoes. Those were the same shoes he had in middle school and they now had a hole in the front of the left foot. He had on the same gray hoodie that he wore almost everyday and jeans that also had a hole in them. He would only be considered a heartbreaker if you got to know him and then he let you down. But he was cute...most of the time.

I lifted the camera back up and focused it on him. "So, tell me what you're doing today," I said.

He rolled his eyes but answered me. "I don't know," he replied.

"You have to be more interesting than that, Avi."

"What do you want me to do? Cartwheels?"

I nodded my head, motioning for him to continue. I turned the camera off when he didn't say anything. "No sense in wasting the battery," I sighed. "Come on, Scott's waiting for us."

"I really don't want to go anywhere," he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

He sat down on the old and disgusting couch. My mom didn't want to throw it away and my father didn't want it in the living room. I don't know why they wouldn't throw it away, especially since they had it since I was born. "I'm tired."

I knew nothing about cancer or what he was going throgh; but I could tell that the medication, or whatever cancer kids were given, was taking a huge toll on him. "We could stay in, if you want," I suggested.

I didn't want to tell him how Scott got us tickets to a nearby amusement park. He would only feel bad for not wanting to go and then would push himself too much. "Alright...let's ditch Scott and go watch a movie at your place," I said. "That way you can be in your own bed and at least I can get something for the video."

He smiled a little but it quickly went away. "What about Scott?"

"He's...busy." I raised the camera back up, flipping it on and aiming it back on Avi. "So, what are we doing now?"

He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Going to watch a movie at your place."

"That's the spirit, Avi! Now keep going."

He sighed again and turned his back to me. It was going to take time to get used to the cameras around.


A/N: Thank GrayWolf145 for this chapter because she wrote it xD

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