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(A/N this is just a list of "unanswerable" I have and some are from Troye Sivan's video "Life's Unanswerable Questions" so if you actually have an answer, PLZ comment it!)

1. Why aren't iPhone chargers just called apple juice?

2. If a person is born deaf, what language does the little voice in their head speak?

3. If a person is born blind, what/how do they see in their dreams?

4. If tomato is a fruit, wouldn't that make ketchup a smoothie?

5. Why does a clock run clockwise?

6. When people have multiple personality disorder, do you ever wonder if their other personalities were past lives?

7. Why did Bruce Wayne not want to tell anyone he was Batman even though he knew he was going to die in the end?

8. Can twins really read each others minds?

9. How come saying you are "up" for something means the same thing as being "down" for something?

10. Why does the toilet flush the other way on the opposite side of the world? And what happens if a toilet is exactly in the middle?

I know these are stupid, but yanno, really think about them! You'll see, you'll see.

Sayonara, baby.

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