SONG 7!!!!!!!!

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"She's so hot. Hey, what's not to love?"

Hehe, this may be a challenge for some of you, so I'll give you a hint.
So..... yeah.
I really don't have anything to talk about right now.
Although, I do have English Love Affair stuck in my head again......
Oh, well.
QOTD: Favorite country song/singer?
My favorite country singer is either Jason Aldean or Luke Bryan. And my favorite Country song is probably Kick The Dust Up by Luke Bryan. It's more on the rock country side. Or, as we call it in South Texas, Southern Rock. (Whatever.)
Kick The Dust Up is also my song reccomendation!! It has a really cool sound and a good beat to it. Whether or not you're a country fan, this will probably be the one country song you do like. And if you don't, that's okay. It's not for everyone.
I may double update because I've had a bunch of different songs stuck in my head throughout the day. Or triple. I don't really know.
Until then, I guess!
Sayonara, baby!

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