Job hunting

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Kyle's POV

"Taylor?" We heard a voice. Taylor whipped his head around so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"Parker?" Taylor questioned. Who the fuck is Parker?
"Yea, I missed you." Parker said. His eyes shone with the way he looked at Taylor and I felt a bubble of angry form within.

"I, I missed you too." Taylor smiled. It's fake. His smile was not like his normal smiles. It was hesitant and the corners of his lips kept twitching into a frown.

This Parker character walks over and I'm easily intimidated. He's taller then Taylor and a fair amount more built. His arms wrap tightly around Taylor and his hands don't hesitate to slide into the back pocket of Taylor's jeans.

What the fuck Taylor?

I just stand there, playing with the hem of my shirt. They break apart and Parker puts his arm around Taylor's waist.
"I missed you. Come on lets go back to my place." He starts walking towards the door.
"O-okay." Taylor says.
"O-oh wait! Can I say goodbye to my friend?" Taylor asks.
"Yea. Fine hurry up." Parker says and he runs over to me.
"I'm really sorry I gotta go." I don't even try to hide my hurt.
"I get it." I say and brush by him. I walk out, the pain in my chest igniting tenfold.

How could he just abandon me? I decided I really did not like this Parker person.

I started walking back to the orphanage and realized I had to pass his house. When I did I folded his sweater and set it down.
When I reached the orphanage I was freezing and came in, only to find it the same temperature.
"Catherine?" I call out.
"Up here Kyle! In Ben's room." She answers and I walk up. Ben is under a mess of blankets to 'sweat out the fever'. I'm not sure how that works.

"What did you need hun?" She asks.
"When is the heat coming back on? It's freezing in here." I ask. She tenses and sighs.
"Can we talk downstairs?" I nod and follow her out.

"I don't know. Money is scarce this month. What with Jackson needing new prescriptions and such for his inhalers, all the check ups. I'm trying Kyle, I really am." She says. I sigh and hug her.
"I'm going to find a job. I've had a resume for a while I just need to hand them out."
"No Kyle I can't ask for that." She declines.
"Catherine I want too. I need experience and maybe I'll be able to get my own place. I can't live here forever." She sighs and shakes her head.
"Your so stubborn. Alright do it. Oh, and how was Taylor's?" She asks. I tense and she notices.
"Kyle, what happened? Did he touch you? Did he hurt you? Were his parents mean-." I cut her off there.
"No none of that. It was fun until this morning." I proceed to explain what happened at the diner.

"Oh hun I'm sorry." She hugs me.
"It's fine. I'm going now, I already printed some off." I tell her. She nods and I grab the envelope full of resumes.

I handed out over 15 and I doubt I'll get a call. They all look at me weird because I look different. I can't help the way I was born.

I was now standing outside a goth looking store that I've been in a few times. The guy working had spiked up short black hair and an eyebrow piercing with a go tee. He was slightly overweight and his name tag read

Manager: Dave

"Excuse me? I'm here to hand in a resume." I say to him and he looks down.
"Well aren't you adorable." He says smirking. I hold back a scream in frustration. I'm so tired of everyone saying that.
"So, its you I give it to isn't it?" I ask. He nods.
"You're albino right?" Insert mental eye roll.
"Erm, yes I am." I say shifting on the balls of my feet.
"Dude that's awesome. Are your parents albino too?" He asks.
"I don't know." I say blankly. He looks confused.
"Shouldn't you be asking job related questions?" I cut him off.
"Huh? Oh right! Uh no not really, I just kinda look over your resume and decide if I want to hire you." He says.
"Alright. Should I go or?" I trail off.
"Nah just let me read over it, its pretty short."

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