Happy Halloween! Hahaha!

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"It's night time now guys you know what day it is?!" Toby asks Them. "Toby Shut the fuck up day?, Toby leave me alone day?" Masky said. "it's Masky is a son of a bitch day!! Hahaha!" Toby said laughing. Jeff and Ben start to laugh as well. EJ and Hoodie just look at each other and shrug their shoulders.

"Ok guys it's Halloween!" Toby said. "yay." "ooh halloween." "i could careless." "Aren't you guys excited?" Toby said. "Not really, it's just halloween!" Masky said as he walked to his room. "i agree with Masky!" Jeff said as he walk to his room as well.

"fine don't come with me!! you three can go if you want to!!" Toby said as he walked outside. "Wait Toby!! Hoodie, EJ and i will like to join you! right guys!" Ben said as he ran to Toby. "yeah i will like too!" EJ said as he followed Ben. "M-me to-too!" Hoodie said as he followed EJ.

"Ok come let's go to the town and see the kids trick or treating!" Toby said as he ran to the town and Hoodie, Ben, and EJ followed him. "Hey guys look over there!" Ben said as he looked at a girl.

who had black high tops and red and orange knee high socks a jacket with a flame design and the left side of it as long and the right side was short and she had black gloves on and her eyes were the color sapphire and long light brownish reddish hair that look like fire she had this machine thing over her left eye it a piece of glass thing that was red it was in front of her eye and the machine was covering her left ear.

Some girls walked passed her and trip her and "accidently" drop their drinks on her and they start to laugh and walk away than it begins to rain. "great it's raining so much for coming here let's go!" Toby said as he began walking away. "Wait we can't just leave her there? can we?" Ben asked. "i guess not!" EJ said as he went up to her and said "you need up?" with his hand out. Ben follows him. she looked up at him and took his hand. "You ok?" Ben asked. she nods yes. "Would you like to come with us?" Toby said as he was walking up to them with Hoodie. She nods yes.

Than they all run to the slenderman mansion and go inside. she looks around than hides behind EJ. "Hey it's ok?" EJ said as he looks at her. "If you don't mind me asking but Who the hell is this girl!!" Masky said as he walked up to her and looks at her. She punchs him in the face. "ow! ok that hurt" Masky said as he rubs his cheek.

Toby, Ben, EJ, Hoodie, and Jeff start to laugh. "ok ok Masky it's like this, Hello my name Jeff! i mean is Jeff! and your name is?" Jeff said with a smile on his face. "My name is Ayumi!" She said her voice sounded so nice. "Ayumi nice name!" Jeff said. "your name is Jeff, Jeff the killer right?" Ayumi said. "um how did you know my name was Jeff the killer?" Jeff said. "My thing told me!" "What thing?" "Thing over my eye, it's not just a piece of glass you know it's a glass machine that tells me all of someones information when i look at him/her!" Ayumi said. "nice!" Jeff said. "Why did you punch me?!"Masky said. "oh sorry i'm not uses to people getting so close to me!" Ayumi said as she went to Masky and hugged him. he hugs back. "it's alright!" Masky said as he let go of her and she let go of him.

"Well Ayumi i can tell you like fire!" Ben said. "i love fire!" Ayumi said. "Nice!" Ben said. "Man know as Slenderman is coming! What does that mean?" Ayumi said confused until it showed a picture of him. "oh he is very very tall!" Ayumi said. "Slenderman is com-Hey Slenderman buddy!" Toby said.

"hello dear, and you are?" Slenderman asked Ayumi. "My name is Ayumi sir!" Ayumi said. "lovely name and i must say you have the most beautiful sapphire color eyes!" Slenderman said. "Thanks!" Ayumi said. "excuse me but why are you here?" Slenderman asked. "um..they brought me here cause i was being bullied and pushed around by people cause they would call me...me...a freak, a nerd, a geek, ugly, weirdo and so on!!" Ayumi said as she started crying. "Oh dear, It's ok if you want you can stay here with us cause you know why look around they are people like you who have been bullied, pushed a side, forgotten even and so on, so what do you say?" Slenderman said. "i will love to stay here thank you Slenderman!" Ayumi said as she hug him. Slenderman was pretty surprised to be hugged but he hugged her back anyway. "your welcome Ayumi!" Slenderman said as he let go of her. Ayumi lets go of him. "May i ask what's that thing over your eye?" Slenderman asked. Ayumi whispers it to Slenderman.

"oh ok have a nice day Ayumi!" Slenderman said as he walked away. "wow he was nice than i thought!" Ayumi said as she looked at Them. "you guys ok?!" She asked. "did you just hugg Slenderman?" Toby said. "Yes why was i not suppose to?!" Ayumi said worried. "no Toby is just being stupid!" Masky said. "i'm not stupid!" Toby yelled. Jeff and EJ start laughing as Masky and Toby were fighting. "Ayumi come with me!" Ben whispered to Ayumi. "ok!" Ayumi whispered as she began to follow Ben outside to the back yard. "Why are we out here is it because i'm annoying you?" Ayumi said. "No not at all we are out here because i wanted to show you the stars. "really wow, wow the stars are nice!" Ayumi said as she looked up at the stars. "like your eyes!" Ben said fast and blushing. "like my eyes?" Ayumi said as she looks at Ben. "your nervous and blushing!, um you like me don't you?" Ayumi said. "um..no mean well...yeah..ok fine yes i do!" Ben said as he turned around to not face her. "it's ok Ben, i think i like you too!" Ayumi said as she holds his hand. "um Ayumi?" Ben said as he looked at her. "Yes Ben?" "um...i.." "you what?" "Nevermind i will just do it!" Ben said as he kissed Ayumi on the lips. "be-mmm" Ayumi said as she kissed him back.

"Hey guys stop fighting where's Ben and Ayumi!" Jeff asked. "Th-they ar-are ou-outside...um...ki-kissing!" Hoodie said as he was looking at them through the back window. "wow really?" Toby said as he walked up to Hoodie and looks outside for himself. "wow they are!" Toby said. "good for him!" Masky said. "sounds like someone is jea-jealous!!" Jeff said. "i am not jealous so shut the fuck up Jeff!!" "Masky is J-e-a-l-o-u-s Jealous!!" Toby said. "i am not jealous!!" Masky said.

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