"Sure! you will" "i will?"

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The next day came and Ben was still hung up on a tree outside.

"Wake up all of you!!" Slenderman said to Toby, Masky, Jeff, Hoodie, and EJ. "Huh?" EJ said rubbing his eyes. "What?!" Jeff said rubbing his eyes as well. "oh it's morning already!?" Masky in a tired. "oh hello Slend-ahh!" Toby said as Slenderman grabbed him with his tentacle and threw him to where Ben was. "Now you will put Ben down from there!" Slenderman said. "Fin-wait? what? Ben what are you doing there?" "Stupid your the one who-!" Ben said as Toby took him down but carried him inside. "Why are you carrying me!? i'm not a baby!! put me down Toby!!" "for not being a baby you sure are whining a lot!!" "Hey! what does that suppose to mean!!" "That you whine a lot!" "Shut up Toby!!" "if you do i will too!" "Sure you will!" "hahaha you keep talking i will too!" "Toby please just shut up!" "Make me?! and i drop you little elf!!" "No please don't drop me! Toby and Masky i'm sorry for what i said earli-" "No need to say sorry Ben ha ha!" Toby and Masky said laughing nervously.

Slenderman leaves. "Now what?!" Jeff said bored. "We wait until night time!!" Toby said. "Wh-why ni-night ti-time?" Hoodie asked. "Cause i have something planned for us to do to night!" "Really like what?!" Jeff said. "probably something stupid!" Ben said. "Want me to drop you or throw you through a window or something?!" "Neither!" "anyway i can't tell you until it's night time!" Toby said. "That's stu-a great idea ha ha!" Ben said as Toby was looking at him. "yeah you better say that Ben!!"

Toby starts to laugh and almost drops Ben. "Hey! be careful you almost dropped me!" Ben says as he holds on to Toby. "You scared little baby elf hahaha!" "Shut up Toby!" Ben said as he slapped Toby. "was that meant to be a slap?" "um...yeah!" "oh cause it didn't hurt!" "Please Toby just put me down!!" "Why?!" "CAUSE I'M NOT A-mmmm!" Ben yelled as Toby covers his mouth with his hand.

"Toby please! let me go!!" Ben said as he let go of Toby and grabs Toby's arm and flips him over. "Ben please i'm sorry!" Toby said as Ben was holding him down. "Say who's the baby now Toby!! Say it!! says it!!" "No!" "Say it Toby!!" "Enough Ben and Toby!!" Slenderman said as he separated them from each other with his tentacles and holds both of them upside down. "Let me punch him!!" Ben said as he was trying to get to Toby. "Not unless i punch you first!!" Toby said as he was trying to get to Ben.

"You two look like idiots! Now stop fighting and go do something else than fighting i'm sick and tired of coming out here to stop you guys from fighting looking like idiots! now go drown or something!" Slenderman said as he dropped them both and left. "Hahahaha drown good one hahahaha!" Toby said laughing. "Hey what's so funny Toby!" "Nothing he just said Go drown get it!! hahaha!" Toby said laughing. "ha ha very funny!!" Ben said. "Hey! Where's-whoa!" Toby said as Masky fell from the ceiling onto Toby.

"Why do we have to clean the attic?!" Jeff asked has he was cleaning the attic. "Ca-cause Sl-Slenderman to-told us to!" Hoodie said as he was cleaning the attic as well. "This attic floor is-whoa!! Masky said as he fell from the ceiling onto Toby.

"Sorry Toby!" Masky said as he got up. "it's fine!" "Really?" "yeah i mean you didn't really hurt me as much!" "Yeah!". They both stay in awkward silence until Jeff says "Awkward!". "Shut up Jeff!" Masky saidd. "It's not Awkward!!" Toby said "Yes it is for you two it is cause you two....kissed!" "Um...how did you know that exactly?!" Masky said as he looks at Jeff than that Toby. "Um...i...kinda told him!" Toby said. "What's wrong with you!!" Masky said as he tackles him. "Whoa! Dude take it easy!!" Toby said. "huh? What?" "Yo-your ha-hand!" "What about my ha-holy shit!!" Masky said as he got off of Toby and ran outside.

Masky stopped running when he was further away from them and sat down leaning against a tree and thought to himself. "ok...ok..that did not just happened! Masky kept it together man, you know that just happened but everythings ok..everythings o-Who's that" Masky saw someone running his way and cops were chasing this person than the person bumps into Masky and they both go down a hill into a lake. The cops don't see them in the lake so they turn around and leave. Masky hits a rock in the lake and faints the person grabs him and pulls him up to the surface. "Hello please wake up!" Masky heard a girl say as he woke up coughing. "Huh? who are you?? where did she go?" "Masky!!" "Ma-Masky!!" "Hey Masky dude where are you!!" "i'm right here!" Masky yells. Ben, Toby, Hoodie, EJ, and Jeff go to where Masky was. "You alright dude?" Jeff said. "Yeah i think i heard a girl say Hello please wake up than when i wake up i didn't see anyone there!" "Did you fall in the lake? cause your wet!" EJ said. "yeah i think i hit my head on a rock and i got knocked out!" Masky said as he got up. "At le-least yo-your ok!" Hoodie said. "Yeah!" "let's go back inside!" Ben said. They all headed back inside.

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