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i was scared.
i shouldn't be scared.
pj's my boyfriend,
he loves me...
i knew it was just a one off.
pj was so sweet,
so kind,
so gentle.
he must have just been stressed.
it's not his fault,
it's mine.
i shouldn't have been talking
to dan again.
he said i wasn't to talk to him.
but dan and i met up for coffee,
we laughed,
we smiled,
we were happy.
but pj found out.
he took me away to another room,
telling me that he couldn't trust me;
that i was a sorry excuse for a
that he was disgusted by me.
i tried to protest;
defend myself;
"we're just friends, peej";
"i love you".
but he didn't listen.
he simply turned and
kissed his knuckles
right before they touched
my cheek.


a/n: fucking Halsey reference right there (#yeslads). Tbh this whole fic is based off of Halsey songs really (mostly Control, Colors, and Trouble). If you don't listen to Halsey btw you definitely should. I recommend Ghost, Control, Strange Love, or Trouble (Stripped) as some songs to start of with.
ALSO. This has over 100 reads already and I published it like three days ago, which is insane. Thank you all so much (and thank you if you've read any of my other fics too!), it means a lot <3

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