'#WHATEVER' - Tremble, Mortal, At Our Mighty Cry

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"You're the druid."  I said, using all the incredible observation skills vested inside me.

"Ica!"  Melanie hissed.

"You're also shorter than I'd expected you to be."  I added.  "And your hair needs a wash."  

"Ica..."  My sister warned.

"Oh, and didn't you know that long, white beards are really out of fashion?  I mean, have you seen anyone quite so... um..."

"Unique?"  Melanie suggested.  "Original?  Intimidating?"

"I was going more for stupid looking."  I pondered.  "Or maybe just badly dressed.  But, yeah, those could all come in to it."  I paused, before asking, "What's your Flappy Bird high score?"

"ICA!"  Melanie screamed.

I looked at her, confused.  Jack gave a short, bark-like laugh, like a dog, which, I guess, made sense as he's a werewolf.

And Charlotte's a vampire.

And my sister and I have magical powers we scarcely know about and happen to be reborn every time we've died/die, and our other two companions are talking animals, and my Mum's a (slightly) badass immortal flower nymph, and my Dad is sort of evil sort of not, and our long-lost brother is the world's only immortal toddler, and-


I looked more closely at the Druid, this man with ageless features, a beard worthy of someone from Star Wars, black greasy robes and an eerie, almost haunting smile, and the realization sort of sinks in a bit.   He's the bad guy who'd been killing us in every one of our lives, and has been the looming figure in the whole whopping three chapters that didn't orientate around pringles, and now he's here in front of us, about to set off a bomb that will not only destroy me, Melanie, Strix, Miu, Charlotte and Jack, (Sorry, Melanie, Strix, Miu, Charlotte, Jack, and I) but wipe out the whole of London in the process.


Oh, all for some stupid spellbook thing I din't even know existed until today.

Or, today in this life, WHATEVER.

Suddenly, I realised something about Melaine and I, and my mind began to churn.    

Melanie's supposed to be able to control darkness, I'm supposed to be able to control light.  But it's not just some awesome opposites sister thing like I imagined.  They sort of reflect our personalities a bit.  

Melanie is the calm, cool, collected one, who is supposed to be more 'level-headed' or whatever.  You don't often notice her, especially when her best friend ditches her and starts flirting outrageously with mine, but she's still there, she's still everywhere.  And, when you do finally notice her, (usually when she's moaning about her love life, which, sorry, bears a striking resemblance to Twilight) you can't forget she's there.  And she won't let you forget that she's there, either.  Melanie's a great person, one of the best you'll ever find, yet she'd still kiss each of two guys so she could get back at the other.  You won't see Melanie have a meltdown, or scream when she gets squished on Crossy Road.  But, inside, she'll be taking her time on working out how to fix the problem, (or cast revenge), or make up for my epic failures.

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