It's Not Wednesday but I'm Wearing Pink

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Melanie's POV

This was definitely not the wildest party I'd been to.

Onny had forced Ica and I to wear party hats. I had a bright pink one on, as Ica proclaimed she would rather die than wear pink. I mean, it's not even Wednesday.

Ica had been surprisingly quiet the entire time. In fact she hadn't talked to anyone... or made eye contact with anyone... It was then that I realised she had been playing on her iPad the whole period of this party.

I kicked her under the table and have her a death glare. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes, but she stopped playing anyway.

Strix and Miu, however, were having the time of there lives (we later learned it wasn't a good idea to give popping candy to owls and cats). They were raging all over the place and dancing to the "latest songs" (music in the talking animal world is really weird). Ica and I both shared a rather desperate look as we watched the two creatures wailing out another verse of a ‘popular’ ballad.

“C’mon Ica!” Strix screeched, “Dance with me!” he and Miu worked together to drag my sister out of her seat and on top of the table. Onny giggled contentedly and started clapping his hands. I had no idea where on earth my father had gone, but apparently it was more important than his son’s birthday party. That didn’t really surprise me though, considering he’d never even thought to inform that he existed before a few hours ago.

“Help me!” she half shouted, half whispered. A look of pure terror was plastered on my little sister’s, not even after all the things that had happened in the past couple of days.

So I did the only natural thing I could think of. I laughed.

Ica scared expression was soon replaced with her usual scowl. She looked like a toddler having a temper tantrum, with her arms folded and her posture slouched. The image was made even more comical by the owl and the cat that were dancing around her, it almost seemed like some sort of insane ritual.

“Oh my god,” the familiar voice of Markus said from behind me. I spun around and saw him standing there with a mixture of amusement, surprise and disbelief on his face.

“What is it?” Tristan asked, confused, from behind. He then saw the ordeal that Ica was in, “Oh,” was all he was able to say.

They both caught each other’s eyes, and then burst out laughing in unison, which sent me into a fresh set of giggles. This caused Onny to start clapping manically and Ica to send all of us an Ica glare. She stood up with all the elegance and grace she could muster and then she carefully stepped down from the table, saving herself from very nearly falling over. At this point my pink hat had fallen off my head and was somewhere discarded on the floor, probably under the table.

“Stop laughing,” Ica said haughtily, trying to regain her dignity, “You’re all very immature.”

“You were the one sitting on a table with animals dancing around you while wearing a pink party hat!” Markus managed to cough out through his uncontrollable fit of laughter. Ica blushed (possibly the first time I’d ever seen her do so) and pulled off the hat, chucking it under the table. She proceeded to wait another fifteen minutes until the rest of us had quietened down.

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