Stone Lions Do Not Get Along With Tristan

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(AN Picture is of Jack)

Melanie's POV

"So where are you taking me?" I asked Tristan, "You forgot to mention." We had been walking for a while now and as far as I could tell, we were somewhere near Trafalgar Square.

"Oh I didn't forget," Tristan replied chuckling to himself, "I was never going to tell you."

"Why not!" I said, stopping abruptly, causing him to grab my hand roughly and pull me along.

"Come on, we need to hurry." He whispered in my ear. The feeling of him being that close to me sent shivers down my spine.

"Not until you tell me where we're going." I managed to say.

"Fine, we're going to Trafalgar Square, and once we're there you're going to help me open a portal to The Academy." He told me.

"But I don't know how to open a portal!" I told him throwing my one free hand up in the air.

"Well then consider this your first lesson in magic." He smirked at me, "Besides even if you've never used magic before, you'll find a portal easy considering the amount of power you have."

I opened my mouth to say something else, but before I had a chance, I was pulled away through the crowds. Tristan linked our fingers together and a wave of familiarity went through me. Although we'd never met and although I'd never held hands with him, or any boy for that matter, I felt as if we were old friends.

And I also felt that Tristan knew more about me than he was letting on.

I quickly shook off those feelings and followed him as he made a samll pathway through the crowds. In a couple of seconds we had arrived at the square and were standing next to the huge fountain in the middle.

Now for those of you who don't know or have never been to Trafalgar Square, it's not where the battle of Trafalgar happened. The battle of Traflgar was a huge battle fought between the British navy and the combined forces of the Spanish and French navies, lead by Lord Admiral Nelson. In the battle Nelson became mortally wounded and he consquentily died. Trafalgar square has a tall pedestal with a life sized statue of him on top of it, there is a huge fountain in the middle and four giant stone lions in all of the corners. It is situated right next to the Royal Art Gallery and at Christmas there is a huge Christmas tree, which is sent to England from Norway as a thank you gift for helping them in the war.

"Ah! Children! And how are you on this fine and pleasent afternoon?" A voice from behind us spoke out.

"Hey Miu," Tristan said smiling at the cat, "Why are you talking weirdly?"

"Well excuse me for trying to be polite," Miu grumbled, "Anyway, did you talk to her abou the thing?" Miu asked Tristan giving him a firm look.

"What thing?" I asked not quite sure what the hell they were talking about.

Miu opened his mouth to speak, but Tristan quickly shushed him and said, "Oh nothing, you woudn't understand," He then glared at the cat.

"But then why would you need to talk to me about it?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow. I'd caught him now, he'd have to answer.

"Let's get started on this portal then shall we," Tristan said, a little too loudly, "We need to hurry."

I frowned at his obvious reluctance to answer my questions, but followed him anyway. Something about Tristan seemed different, I knew he was hiding something, but I couldn't begin to imagine what. I had no more time to question him on this as I ws dragged over to one of the proud stone lions.

"I believe this is where the portal is hidden," Miu said he muttered something quietly to himself, "Now no one will be able to tell what we are doing." He told me.

"How come?" I asked him.

"Did you see me whispering to myself?" He asked, I nodded in response, "Well see, sometime to be able to transfer the potential energy we get from magic into something that is useful to us, we need to use words."

"Why?" I asked, "Surely you have a special magical language or something?"

"No," Miu laughed, "Words are powerful weapons, to be able to master magic, one must use them wisely. The amount of energy that a warlock, witch, vampire, werwolf or any other creature may vary, but that power is useless if they cannot learn how to weild it properly."

While we had been talking Tristan took a piece of chalk out of his pocket and drew and huge circle on the side of the stone. He then began draw random markings around it as well. As I looked closer I saw that they looked like the hieroglyphics. He stepped back to admire his handiwork, when a rumbleing noise came from above us.

The stone lion was moving.

"What the hell is happening?" I screamed, "Magic is weird enough, this is just crazy!"  The stress of the past two days began to pile up on me. The only reason I hadn't broken down crying was because I needed to stay strong for Ica. she was probably wondering where I was right now, I was supposed to meet her after school, I didn't even know what time it was right now.

"Some one has brought it to life," Miu yelled to Tristan, "Their trying to prevent us from taking her!"

Who on earth were they? And why were they trying to stop me from going anywhere? Until two days ago, I was just a normal girl!

Tristan's voice brought me back to reality, "I'll deal with this. You activate the portal."

And with out another word he jumped up next to the lion. He flung his hands out and a stream of ice shot out and wrapped around the lion's front two legs, securing it in place. But not for long, I could already here the ice cracking.

"How do I open the portal?" I shouted at Miu.

"Use words!" He very helpfully shouted back to me.

"You know any time now would be nice!" Tristan called out grumpily to me, "Stone lions and I do not get along."

I swallowed and turned to face the portal. I concentrated like crazy, imaging it glowing, swirling roung and round like a huge vortex, sucking in Miu, Tristan and I. Carrying us away from the stone lion.

"Take us anywhere away from here." I whispered, my eyes squeezed shut. I was hoping and praying this would work. Slowly, I opened one eye.

The portal was glowing.

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