Do You Know the Wifi Passcode?

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(AN Picture is of their dorm room)

Melanie's POV

I swung myself onto the back of one of the lions, Tristan did the same behind me. The wind rushed past my ears and caused my hair to fly backwards in the wind. To stop myself from falling off the back of the gigantic beast, I gripped onto his mane.

"What do we do now Miu?" I screamed over the wind and the tooting of the elephants.

"I don't know?" Miu replied back enthusiastically, "My plan only went this far."

This was bad news. Although the lions were outrunning our pursuers at the moment, they would eventually tire. The elephants would then stampede us and trust me, that is not how I want my life to end. Ica would never let me hear the end of it.

"Oh. Don't worry guys!" Tristan called out from behind me, "I texted my brother, he can get us out of here."

"We're in the middle of the savannah, how on earth did you manage to text him?" I asked him, turning slight towards him. He was clinging to the lion with one hand and clutching his phone in the other.

"It turns out that you can get really good service here!" He told me.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to face in front of me. But we weren't in the savannah anymore.

Instead we were outside a massive, rather old looking building. Standing outside was a boy who looked almost exactly like Tristan, only maybe slightly younger.

"Markus, the lions are still with us you idiot." Tristan rolled his eyes at the boy in front of us.

The boy, presumabley Markus, clicked his fingers. The lions vanished. "Ok, fine. I've sent them back to Antarctica." Markus sighed.


Markus looked at me and mouthed, "He's crazy about penguins." The he snapped his fingers again. "Ok, they're back in South Africa." He told Tristan.

"Thank you," Tristan smiled, "Now Melanie, I'll give you a tour of the academy."

"Actually brother dear I will be giving Melanie the tour." Markus smirked at his brother.

"How come?" Tristan whined.

"Because you managed to get her lost in South Africa and you have to deal with mum." Markus said triumphantly.

"Oh God, I completely forgot about mum," Tristan exclaimed, his eyes going wide, "How worried is she?"

"She nearly cried to me and Ica," Markus informed him, "You are in some deep shi*" I tried not to laugh along with Markus at the sight of Tristan's crestfallen face. I ended up pretending to choke on air, which is not a good look.

"Ok you ready?" Markus asked me. I nodded in reply.

He snapped his fingers and instantly we were in a classroom. It looked pretty similar to the classrooms at school. Desks, chairs, white board, posters lining the walls, you know the usual stuff.

"Here the academy we learn basically the same things as most normal schools in English and Maths, but in history we learn about famous events and people in magic. In geography we learn about places such as Stonehenge which channel white, black magic or both. In biology we learn about the genetic set up of different supernatural species. Chemistry is replaced by potion making and we don't learn physics, instead we do astronomy. PE consists of is doing various physical challenges, which differ each lesson. We have music, drama, and art once a week. We have survival and spell casting everyday. You can chose which two languages you would like to learn, but one most be a modern language and the other must be a classical language. We are taught computer programming and hacking skills," he paused for breath, I could tell he often have this speech to people, "Oh and in cooking we also are taught about foraging and what plants are poisonous or not."

All through the talk he had been teleporting us through the building. The potions lab looked a little like a scene out of Harry Potter, apart from it was more modern. The gym was massive and had lots of scary equipment which I had never seen before, all I can say is that I wasn't looking to forward to PE, I'm not exactly the sportiest person. The food tech room had ten ovens in it and looked relatively normal, apart from the fact that the stuff that was cooking was made entirely of roots and mushrooms that had been found in the woods at the back of the school. Markus lead out to the back of the Academy where the woods were located.

"This is where are weekly war games are held, they can vary from capture the flag to a kind of gladiator type of competition." He told me, the woods certainly looked big enough to hold something like the hunger games, in fact they seemed to be unending, "So, any questions?" He asked me, teleporting us outside a room.

"Yes, when do I get to meet my Dad?" I asked him.

"Well he's busy at the moment, but you'll be able to meet him and you're little brother soon."

"Ok," I replied... Wait a second... "DID YOU JUST SAY BROTHER?!"

"Yes," Markus said confused, "Didn't you know?"

"NO!!!" I screamed in reply, "How on earth do I not know that I have a little brother?"

"Well I guess it was meant to be a secret until I, you know, ruined it," Markus said sheepishly, "Your Dad is going to kill me."

"Does Ica know?" I asked him, if Ica knew she would freak out and completely overreact.

Stop looking at me like that, I did not overreact!

"I don't think so," Markus replied, "Your sister is really annoying by the way."

"Tell me something I don't know," I muttered, still slightly flabbergasted by finding out about my brother.

"Anyway," Markus said in an overly cheery voice, "This is the room you will be staying in." He opened the door and after I walked in, he left, shutting it behind him.

There was a bunk bed in the of the room, a comfy looking chair, two desks, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers.

"Ah, home sweet home," I sighed.

"Hey Melanie! Do you know the wifi passcode?"

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