Thirteen Part 6

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I opened up to my mother about Thirteen and the others, and she took me straight to the psychiatrist once more. After explaining to him, I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and given Risperidone to take. Of course, I was scared to take it, because what would happen to Thirteen if I did? He seemed very anxious when I did next see him, pacing back and forth, watching me closely.

He was waiting to see if I took the Risperidone. I could tell, for once, he was truly afraid of going away. Both of us were afraid of losing one another, and I was puzzled as to why I was hesitant.

I then realized I had leverage against Thirteen, as if the tables had turned abruptly. And he knew it. It was my turn to have some sort of threat to this creature that had invaded my life. At the same time, I really felt bad for making Thirteen so nervous. I'm sure if he was capable of crying, he would have at one point.

"So what now?" I asked him, unsure. He looked at the pill bottle, then to me, and shook his head. He didn't want to go away. It occurred to me that he didn't understand why I was doing this, he was hurt.

And I felt really bad. Without hesitation, I shoved the pill bottle into my backpack and tossed it away, telling Thirteen I was sorry. He calmed after that, but still refused to approach me, he didn't want to get into trouble again. What was I supposed to do? It was as if Thirteen just didn't understand what was and wasn't okay.

That night, I woke up in Abyss again. This time Thirteen did not accompany me, and I was all alone, afraid. I remember sitting down and crying, because I didn't know how to get out of here.

I heard something moving towards me, which caused me to freeze up. When I did look up, I saw Thirteen, marching his way over, angry. Right as he reached me, I woke up. This was all strange and new to me, and I began considering the pills once more.

So I took them. Thirteen was still around at first, but every day he got more and more ill, until he was just laying on the floor all of the time, gasping for air. What had I done? Was I killing my friend? He was withering away slowly, painfully.

And he didn't understand why. You have to know how awful I felt, watching him every day, sometimes he would even beg me to stop taking the Risperidone. I battled with it for two days, and then I stopped taking the pills.

Thirteen gradually got better, but he wasn't happy, and he was going to have his revenge.

That much was obvious to me when he began really fucking with my head again, making me see things much more, making me afraid. Now I was the disobedient pet, and I had been bad. Explaining Thirteen's wrath is difficult, because he wasn't angry with me, generally. He was just doing what he felt had to be done, punishment.

It was rough.

One night, he decided to drag me through Abyss again. He grasped my arm, and forced me to walk with him down the winding paths, the nonsensical thoughts, the creatures from before. However, when he did, this time I caught sight of what looked like a bright, sunny place.

Curious, I asked Thirteen if we could go there. He looked like he was about ready to hit me, calling me stupid once more. But I managed to tear away from his grip and hurry my way over to the new place.

When I got there, it was very calming. It was a nice, tranquil place. Upon looking back at the other paths, I realized Thirteen couldn't come in here. He physically could not cross the threshold. I had found my sanity, what was left of it, a haven to resort to when and if I needed.

And I could do so without destroying Thirteen. To be continued.

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