Chapter 3
I watched some Winged load supplies on the back of peryton, rolling back and forth on the ball of my feet. Of course, I was excited, but my mind was also preoccupied with thoughts of Chase. I knew he had only accepted to come along because it made me happy, and I doubted that going alongside peryton would improve his mood.
There was something about Peraz forest that was even more unpleasant to him than peryton, but I didn't know what. I didn't want to pester him about it - he would tell me when he was ready, and I was unable to get any information out of Aiden, though he clearly knew something. It was incredible how stubborn he could be sometimes.
I was jarred out of my thoughts when I walked straight into someone."Really?" An irritated voice said. "I know you're dumb, but you're not blind." Bree glared at me.
"Sorry." I had neither an excuse nor a comeback at that moment. Would any of my friends fly in to save me? I looked around. No, apparently not. Anyway, only Aiden could have the final word with Bree.
"I heard you're going to Peraz. You know, they have cockroaches there."
I couldn't help a disgusted shiver.
Bree noticed it. "Wow. You are aware cockroaches are the least of your worries in a place like that, right?"
"Ooh, trees, I'm afraid." I tried to play it off, hoping she would leave me alone.
She didn't bat an eye. "This is a serious matter, so no wonder it's above your intellectual capacities, but let me enlighten you. This time, you're not strolling around to Sperodyfis to have tea with the nice, friendly monks. You're going to a wild place, near a war zone, that is inhabited by often hostile fairies."
I frowned. "Wow, you're making a big deal about a few little fairies. And, yes, I am obviously aware of where I'm going."
She rolled her eyes. "Unlike your human culture might have taught you, fairies aren't butterfly-sized balls of glitter and happiness. Their relationship with Winged has always been... tense. Though, if you ask me, if more our fault than theirs."
"Okay." I shrugged. I hadn't gotten to that part of Aeolus' history yet, and didn't want to admit that I had no clue what she was talking about.
"You know, considering last time you almost got yourself and your friends killed, maybe you shouldn't go."
"Right, and while I was doing that, you were sitting here staring stupidly at the half-burnt city. Looks like you did a much better job than me, congrats," I said sarcastically. If she thought I was too afraid to go to Peraz, she was dead wrong.
"Well, that's certainly one way of putting it. I'm sure that's also how all the citizens who were saved, sheltered, and fed thanks to the intervention of my warriors see it. And don't try to change the subject. You'll probably take one look at Peraz forest, see a big, menacing bug, and run back to Sol to hide behind your grandpa."
"Of course I won't do that! I'm going to find my mother." I was determined not to let her get to me.
"I know you will." She smiled condescendingly. "Or rather, you'll ask your grandpa to use valuable manpower in a wild goose chase to find your mummy, because you'll be too scared to do it yourself."
I gritted my teeth. "Shut up. Obviously that's not true. I'm going myself, and I'll find her." Fed up, I was about to insult her back when Chase landed gracefully next to us, the sunlight making his stray golden feathers glimmer.
"Bree, isn't betting illegal in the Junior Troops?" He went straight to the point.
"Yes. Or do you not remember the time Aiden got in trouble for it?"

Lost Wings
FantasyWith her mother's diary in hand, Hailey now has more chance of finding her than ever. Her search will lead her on a journey to one of the more obscure places of the kingdom of Aeolus where she will discover creatures she thought were only legends...