29~ Sleep and Shower

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Previously on LW:

Hailey, Bree, Chase, and Zarasa find Aiden tangled in a net of vines, badly wounded. They bring him back to the fairy village to be healed.

Chapter 29

Outside, the fight was winding down. According to the scouts, the Outlanders were separated and tired. Those who could fell back. Others wandered deeper into the forest, searching for an exit.

"We'll wait until they're exhausted enough and lead them back to their lands," the Elder One reassured me. "We're not heartless."

"And we'd rather avoid rotting bodies all over the forest," one of the scouts added helpfully.

"Um, okay, good. And what about the trees?" I gestured to the wooden walls surrounding us. "Do I have to talk to the Great Tree again?"

"The trees need to regain their energy. Slowly, they are straightening up, opening around the village. Then they will fall asleep for several hundreds of years, and we will care for them just like they cared for us."

    "Oh, okay, well good then." I stifled a yawn. I was dead on my feet.

    "Hailey," Chase called me, gesturing for me to come closer.

    I excused myself to the Elder One and complied.

    "Aiden's asleep," he said. "He's going to be fine..."

    "But?" I stayed on my guard.

    "His wing is badly damaged. It'll take time to heal and might never go back to the way it was before. He'll also have a few permanent scars."

    I pushed away the worry for his wing. "At least he's okay, and now he's safe."

    "Yeah. Resting will do him good, too. We should probably follow suit. I can barely stand, and I'll admit that you've looked better."

    "Hey!" I protested, mainly for show.

    "But you do pull off the exhausted look better than anyone I've seen."

    I laughed. "Stop trying to save your butt with strange compliments." I yawned. "I wouldn't say no to a nap, though. As it is, I could never make it to the outpost."

    "Most exhausting all-nighter I've ever pulled off," he mumbled in agreement as he pulled me by the hand towards a sheltered area. The floor was covered in thick leaves and feathers, somewhat between a carpet and a mattress.

    "Fairies made this for us." Chase all but fell down. He closed his eyes and patted the sport next to him. I laid down and had a fleeting thought for the events of the day before falling into a deep sleep.


    "Wake up!" A voice yelled.

    Chase's wing was covering me like a blanket. I carefully moved it out of the way as he grumbled something incomprehensible. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

    "Oh, hey, Bree."

    "Rise and shine, Princess. I brought some water for you guys to splash on your face. Who knew these huge coconut-like fruits could make such good water bowls?"

    "Thanks." I stepped outside and accepted the bowl-like container. "That's actually really thoughtful of you." These few hours of sleep had done me a world of good.

    "Yep. I thought you'd like to see Aiden. He's up, and the fairies brought some stuff for us to eat."

    "Aiden's up?" Chase stood up with a yawn. He brushed a few feathers out of his hair, which reminded me that mine was going to be impossible to detangle.

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