Previously on LW:
Aiden dives down into the forest to drop the egg of vicious birds down on the closest enemy division.
Hailey, who waiting for Aiden above the trees, only heard screams from below. She waits a bit, but he doesn't come back. Finally, Zarasa comes and offers Hailey a ride.Chapter 27
Zarasa padded through the forest without hesitation, ducking underneath branches and stepping over ferns with incredible agility for an animal of her size. The forest didn't seem to be moving of its own accord anymore. I wondered if it was just an impression and hoped the village was still safe. Unfortunately, despite her skills Zarasa still lacked speech, and my questions concerning the forest, Autumn, and the Aeolian outpost remained unanswered.
"We need to find Aiden," I kept repeating, but she gave no sign of hearing my pleas.Dimmed shouts reached my ears, and she sped up.
"Stop firing, you idiots!" A man yelled.
"Winston!" An authoritative and surprisingly familiar voice silenced him.
"Is that...?" I muttered.
"Now listen to me, you brainless jackalopes!" The voice continued.
"That is her! What is Bree doing here?"
Zarasa gave no answer and walked straight to the large rock behind which hid a group of Aeolian soldiers in full battle gear.
The one standing next to Bree saw me first. "Who the h-"
"Watch your mouth!" Bree showed no hint of surprise. "This is the princess."
The man's eyes widened. He started to apologize, but Bree talked over him.
"Hailey, since you're here maybe you can convince these fairies that, as our uniform, language, and flag imply, we aren't outlanders, and they can stop shooting at us."
"Er... Sure?" I would have appreciated a few seconds to come to terms with the situation. "I just have to -"
"Hailey!" Bree snapped at me before I could mention Aiden. "This isn't a picnic, get on with it."
I couldn't find it in me to protests. Zarasa carried me towards the wooden wall. The fairy who had given me the egg flew down to me, urging the gryphon and I to go faster.
"You did it! But a group we hadn't seen is right here. They've tried to attack, but we pushed them back. Let's hurry and get back inside. They must be waiting to regroup."I shook my head. "They're Aeolians come to help, not Outlanders."
"What do you mean? They're allies?" Luckily, she caught on quickly.
"Yes. One of our friends called for their help. They're led by a redhead who screams a lot."
The fairy left me, shooting up between the trees and chattering to hidden recipients about what I had just told her.
Soon, but not soon enough, the Aeolian soldiers were being ushered into the village to be given information about their target.
"So that's the princess." I heard one of the men say.
"What's wrong with her hair?" Another one asked.
"I wasn't aware they had hairdressers in the forest, Winston." Bree glared at him, obviously fed up with his mere presence. "Anymore stupid questions, and I'm stabbing you with one of their sleeping darts myself."
I ignored them. "Come on, Zarasa," I pleaded with the gryphon. "Bring me back to where you found me. I need to find Aiden."
"Wait." Bree stopped mid-stride. "What did you say?"

Lost Wings
FantasíaWith her mother's diary in hand, Hailey now has more chance of finding her than ever. Her search will lead her on a journey to one of the more obscure places of the kingdom of Aeolus where she will discover creatures she thought were only legends...