What to do? Hmm...

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Well I only have about a week left of summer vacation before school starts up again so I figured I might as well make the best of it. I ended up deciding to try to make plabs with my bestie to go to the beach or something.
Me- Hey wanna go do something fun? I am bored out of my mind right now.
Sena- Um... sure. What did you have in mind?
Me- Well I was thinking along the lines of the beach or the mall or somethin. Just us two.
Sena- How about the mall? I think we should get some new clothes for the schoolyear.
Me- Sounds good to me. Meet you at Sally's in twenty?
Sena- Alright. See you there.

Well at least I have something to do all day. Better than being bored. I walked to my dresser across my room from my bed to get some clothes to change into real quick. I decided to grab a pair of baby blue capris and a tight, black tank top. I changed quickly and tossed my hair up in a high ponytail. After I was finally done with my difficult hair I walked downstairs and told my mom what the plan was.
"Oh that's great honey. Have fun. The keys are on the kitchen table."
"Thanks. Bye."
I grabbed the keys quickly and ran out to our solid black mustang in the driveway and headed to Sally's, a small burger joint down the street from my house. When I pulled up Sena was waiting on the corner for me. She jumped in and we headed toward the mall that was about 45 minutes from our little neighborhood.

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