Chapter 1

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It was silent.
All that could be heard on the peaceful island above the clouds, was the soft chirps of birds. At that time of day, A young echidna was doing his duty as the guardian of Angel Island; shining the beloved jewel that kept the beautiful island afloat. 
Knuckles continued to shine the Emerald with a soft rag he had for a while. Enjoying the fresh air and silence, he smiled as he did his job. After a couple minutes of shining it up, the Master Emerald was now in it's full shining glory; glinting in the bright sun.
The rad red Echidna looked at it for second, taking it in. Not really knowing why, he hugged the Emerald, before putting his rag away, and sat down next to it.

Knuckles  felt happy next to the Emerald; it's glow made him feel comfortable. Not only did the Master Emerald make the the whole Emerald altar more beautiful than it already was, but it served as a night light for the cold lonely nights. 
He'd never understood what made him so happy near it, though. Maybe it was the precious shade of green that reflected onto his red fur. Or maybe it was the fact that it was so important to keep the island afloat. 

Making himself believe that's what it was, Knuckles put his hands behind his head, and relaxed against the Emerald; feeling rather content and safe. He didn't really know why, but every time he was near the Master Emerald, but he almost always had a happy and content feeling around it.
He tried convincing himself it was because he was connected to all the emeralds due to his dad's chaos experiment on him, but that hardly ever worked. Knuckles knew that wasn't why he felt the way he did. It was something different. He just had to think about it a little more.

Knuckles tried not to think about it too much. Instead he decided to enjoy the moment; being able to relax. That's really all he had to ever do on his little slice of paradise. And of course, take care of the Master Emerald. 
As he lay there he closed his eyes; blocking the bright sun from shining into his violet eyes. He sighed, moved a little closer to the emerald, and smiled at the sign of comfort.

Knux rested his head on the Emerald, happy that he was feeling this good today. Here on Angel Island, there was practically nothing to worry about. There wasn't anyone who was trying to take the Emerald, so the red Echidna was able to feel this way a lot.
The glow from the emerald reflected onto Knuckles face, the light from it crawled around his cheeks and through each piece of fur that fluffed up on the top of his head; acting like a blanket against the cool summer breeze. The feel made Knuckles smile grow even larger, and he began to rub his head against the emerald like a bear would to a tree.

Knuckles rubbed the Emerald a little more before he stopped, and kept smiling. Him being alone he could do stuff like that without the fear of being caught and embarrassed; and he liked it that way. After a few more minutes of feeling good, Knuckles decided to stand up; his stomach grumbling a bit.

He looked around, and figured he might well get something to eat. It was then whenever Knuckles remembered a tree that had the most delicious apples not far from the emerald. Sure he had to go in the woods a bit, but it was close by. He stood up and stretched, before making his way to a snack. Smiling, he set off, looking at the emerald through the corner of his eye. "I'll be right back, okay?"
After finishing that sentence, Knuckles set off to that tree with the apples; hurrying a bit. Even though there wasn't any danger on the island, he didn't like staying away from the emerald. After telling himself he'd head back after eating a few apples, Knuckles looked around while walking. Upon finding the tree he was looking for, Knuckles went to it, and picked two apples; sitting down next to the tree to eat them.

After about a good 10 minutes, Knuckles finished his apples, and stood up, deciding it was time to head back. Once he made it back, he gleefully went up the altar stairs. It was just like he had left it; glistening and all. After walking up all the stairs, Knux went to the Emerald and patted it ever so slightly. " I'm back! Did you miss me?" Of course, he didn't get a response besides the green glow; but he didn't care. He lied back down next to the emerald and let the apples that he had eaten digest.

"Yep, this is the life.." He smiled once again, letting his eyes droop down until they closed. Even though this was his day-to-day life, Knuckles felt like it was the best thing ever. And the best part? There was no one to get inbetween him and the Emerald. At least, that's what he thought. Little did he know, there was something, or more so someone, after his precious Master Emerald, and it was something he was not prepared for at all.


And there ya go.
This is a fanfic a friend and I decided to do together, so ye. Hope you liked it!

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