Horror Movies

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A/N - Okay first I just want to say sorry for not updating this series. Second I want to say that in the last few weeks a lot of stuff happened and I had some trouble getting through it but I'm a bit better now and back to writing! Thank you for the reads, enjoy loves! also this one kinda sucks:( writers block.

~[Warning - Strong Language]~

No. No, no, no!

Dan has gone and invited Zoe and Alfie over for a movie night. But the movie will be 'terrifying', as Dan put it.

You're hoping Zoe doesn't like horror movies. Two against one.

Well maybe Alfie does...

The point is, you don't want to watch a horror movie.

"Dan please can we just watch something else. How bout Avengers?" He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Y/N we're watching Sinister, I'll be there. So will Alfie and Zoe. Nothing to be afraid of." You sigh and gulp.

"Isn't that like one of the most terrifying movies on the charts, right now?" You ask, fidgeting with your fingers.

"Y/N. It's just a movie. Now I'm going to get the lounge set up." He kisses your cheek and heads off into the lounge. Maybe Phil has an opinion on this.

You waddle up the stairs to Phil's room where he's happily packing his stuff.

"PHIL! What are you doing?" You ask, strolling into his bedroom.

"Oh hey Y/N. Yea I'm spending a few nights at Caspar, Oli and Joe's for some collab videos." You let out a sigh and sit next to him.

"What's wrong?" He asks, still shoving stuff into his suitcase.

"Dan invited over Zoe and Alfie to watch Sinister" He lets out a gasp.

"That's a really scary movie, you wanna watch that!?" He questions, zipping up his bag.

"No I don't. But Dan is telling me otherwise" He lets out a chuckle before standing to his feet. "Y/N truth is, it's just a movie and it'll be fun! Getting scared is always a fun time when watching a movie" He grabs his phone and trudges out of the room.

"I guess" You sigh, giving him a hug.

"I'll see you guys on Wednesday, bye!" He yells a goodbye to Dan and heads out the door.

You huff and walk into the lounge.

"Wow" You say walking into the bedded lounge with pillows and blankets everywhere.

"You like it?" He asks, walking toward you.

You love it. It reminds you of when you and Dan first built a blanket fort together.

"I love it Dan" You say wrapping your arms around his neck as his make their way to your waist.

"We're still watching Sinister" He laughs before kissing your cheek and running to grab popcorn.

"Ugh" You huff, hearing the door bell ring.

"Can you get that love?" He calls from the kitchen with a faded giggle at the end. You roll your eyes and strut to the door.

"Y/N!" Zoe squeals, entering the flat.

"Hey Zoe!" You exclaim engulfing her in a hug. "Hey Alfie" You say side hugging him to save awkwardness.

Dan and Alfie greet and we all head into the lounge. "So what movie are we watching?" Zoe asks plopping next to Alfie.

"Sinister" Dan says while Alfie cheers in excitement. "Noooooo!" Zoe cries, while you send her a sympathetic look.

"Well...play it!" Alfie says hugging Zoe close, as she buries her head into his chest. You on the other hand have completely tangled yourself in Dan's arms, legs and your head rested on the crock of his neck.

"Y/N it's going to be fine love" He says kissing your nose. You nod and bury your head into his neck.

The movie starts and you feel sick. "Oh god" You mumble as the first scene shows the murdered family.

~Le Time Skip~

45 minutes into the movie..."Dan I need to go to the loo" He nods and kisses your cheek as you get up to go to the loo.

"Ugh!" You sigh in disgust. What kind of sick fuck came up with that shit! You stare into the mirror and look down into the sink.

The moment you look up a man is standing right behind you.

Your breath hitches in your throat and you let out a scream. You swing your head around to find nothing standing behind you.

"What the fuck" You sigh, collapsing to the ground. You breathe in and out and sigh.

"Y/N!" You hear Dan call, running into the bathroom.

"Baby what happened? Are you okay?" He wraps his arms around you, instantly making you feel safe.

"Yea I just had Sinister on the brain and started hallucinating" He sighs and brings your head to face his.

"I'm sorry I made you watch that movie. To be honest Zoe isn't liking it either. I love you so much and I didn't want the night to go like this" He kisses your lips lovingly and picks you up bridal style.

"Everything ok?" Alfie asks, still laying down with Zoe.

"Yup, everything's great" You say, still curled up next to Dan.

You all decided to switch up the movie and watch Avengers, which was quite the entertainment. Everyone fell asleep in the lounge since the movie ended around 1am.

But wrapped up with Dan, you could sleep anywhere.

Thanks for reading💛
Love my 5.9k💋
As always,

𝐃𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 ✧・゚:  𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆Where stories live. Discover now