CHAPTER 2: Universal Studies

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I am Sylvia Monette Philipps. It’s kind of a late introduction but never mind that. I am a 16 year old student currently at 10th grade in Mother Theresa’s College inc. (well after studying your universe I found out our educational system is not that different)

Like any teenagers of my age here on our universe, we almost have it all figured out. Studies and puppy love issues are balanced and we do not have hormonal problems or any problems at all in our state of puberty. Anyway, without drifting out of topic—universal studies are very serious matter to be discussed.

We first encountered universal studies in the 7th grade. It was an entirely new topic that all of us really wanted to learn. Nobody even slept in class so I get that everyone else was mesmerized and fascinated in the lessons like me. We have very advanced technology that keeps us excited and participative in lessons. By the use of holographic 3D effects and high-technology sound-surround in classrooms, we understood our history that everything came from the Big Bang. It was proven to be true and it eliminated other theories centuries ago. As much as I have learned, our history—your universe and mine’s are very much alike; (although some facts are not particularly the same for both of us) plants and vegetation started by their own, (our Earth has much more land mass than water), followed by the reign of enormous and monstrous dinosaurs that later wiped off the face of the Earth; followed by geological changes then the evolution of men.

On the early development of men, along with technology by the time he discovered fire, amazing rapid advancement and growth burst out of human being’s minds; as if his discovery of fire lit the beacon of ideas in his head. But then wars and plagues fell all over the world without reasonable explanations. Later then after the years and arising from their downfall, men went on with his precious technology and intelligence to find out possible explanations of their hideous past.

One significant person that helped our entire race is Professor Alan Gurth who came up with the “parallel universe theory”. It explained that the cause of our rapid growth was your universe’s slow development.

Our unreasonable plague was your entrance to development and finally, our rise from the wars and plagues was the time of your downfall.

As if everything was opposite but in the exact same way.

After years of study of your universe, I have questioned too why does our history; vegetation, dinosaurs and evolution of men were alike. My classmates never questioned because it was not allowed so, I found it out on my own.

Later on, this theory was proven to be true because of the follow-up discoveries on the repellant of both our universe’s gravitational pull. Because of the Big Bang that resulted to millions and millions of particles that got blown apart, it became possible that similar particles, through time decayed and expanded on both sides, became parallel. Other particles multiplied and these photons, electrons and other chemical quantities turned out to be alike. These expanded making universes that are composed of billions of galaxies; in it are planets, stars, comets and asteroids.

These universes are the same in matter and physical laws as our universe. There were exceptions of course. Due to varying degree which they were created, allowed for these other worlds to have every possible combination of particles available.

It has been proven too that other worlds would potentially be different in that they may not operate in the same way ours does.

Knowing these facts made me more eager to learn about the parallel universes.

There are many names for the phenomenal connection of these universes. It is sometimes called “alternative universes”, “quantum universes”, “interpenetrating dimensions”, “parallel dimensions”, “parallel worlds”, “alternative realities”, “alternative timeline”, “dimensional planets” etc.

Only one name sums it all up, so my favorite professor of cosmology said, and it is the

“Infinite dimensions”.

One fact intrigued me the most about the infinite dimensions;

“Any given person exists at the same time in more than one place. He/she exists as the same person or the opposite in the same universe or also the reverse. Their intelligence and experiences that might be passed on to their parallels may result to astonishing outcomes—one that may result to discoveries, power and development or… mass destruction of not only the parallel but also the parallel’s universe.”

Thinking about it, since universes can be parallel to one or more universes--stated from the studies about the multiverse relationships that explain the relationships between various constituent universes… then a destruction of one can lead to chain reactions. Reflecting upon that information and thinking about how it can be possible that any time from now, maybe a nuclear power plant just malfunctioned and then it lead to our planet’s destruction. Or perhaps just out of the blue, our universe will be sucked to the oblivion of a large black hole. The possibilities are endless. And thinking about those instances really scared me.

With all the other proofs that agreed with Professor Gurth’s theory of the parallel universe, it became knowledgeable and true that we are now learning his phenomenal discoveries in the present time. Our teachers have taught us there was no way to travel in our own parallel universe. With our advance technology, we have reached places beyond our planets. We have reach as far as Andromeda Galaxy and all other galaxies in our universe but never have we entered the realms of yours. It was always been mentioned that it was impossible because of repelling forces but scientists and experts never stopped trying, even me. My skepticism has been a huge help, of course. Why, after all these years of study, haven’t they found a way to reach our parallels yet? Or what if they have and they are just avoided letting regular people know? And if it is true that they avoided telling regular people other important facts…WHY?

They left us hanging with questions, it’s surprising how I’m like the only one showing signs of over-interest, skepticism and confusion. I am the type of person who, after knowing how confusion feels like after years of depriving me of this feeling, has HATED it as soon as I felt it. I don’t know if it’s my pride talking but I have NEVER had unanswered questions for this long. I have always found what I look for and it frustrates me that I can’t solve this problem. It ruins a perfect record, you know? I believe that

Authority hides other facts from these studies.

I’m just so damn curious! I don’t know what pushes me hard to look for answers.

I know many people have wondered how to cross the realms of our universes too. They can’t do anything since the facts provided in universal studies absolutely restrains us to reach the unreachable.

Well, unlike others, I have found a way to reach your universe and even my parallel self… but more on that later.

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