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(NOTE: Nothing in this poem is true!!!!!)

Oh, God! How I wish to perfect!

I'd give anything, my favourite toy and even life

For perfection is like the blade of a knife,

It can slice throught the eyes filled with awe,

And light up the world that was a bore.

Perfection is hard to find,

But when found, you will be blind,

For the sparkle surrounding the perfect figure,

Will burn your unsuspecting eyes into ashes and may drive you to pull the trigger

Of the gun

That you were holding with stun.

But I would still give my life and joy

Even though it could destroy

My otherwise peaceful life, with my pots of flowers and plants.

Perfection is not to be compared

Nor is it something to be shared

With your friends or familes, no!

Perfection is something you take and go

Because if you let your one and only chance slip,

You're never ever get the grip

Of the true meaning of live again,

And you will lose all sanity and disappear with the unforgettable pain.

Though I'm perfect now, my friend,

My life must come, to an end.

OMG!!!! THis is the first peom I have ever written in my LIFE!!!!!!!!!! I really hope you liked it!!!!!!                                     

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