2nd Grade

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Your problably wondering why my title is 2nd grade... I named if because thats when all my life was messed up... One day momma came home and she got us snacks and we sat down and ate them... At the time momma and daddy were devorced and so it was just Michael, Tiffany, and Lacey also me... Anyway we came home and momma went into Tiffanys room and started to yell at the top of her lungs and stomped across the trailer to Michael's room and knocked his door down and said "How could you do this to me i gave you a home and birth and i gave you anything that you wanted and you repay me by this" at the time i didnt really know what she ment so she said "Pack your shit your not staying here anymore im done with you treating me like shit!" and as Michael went out of his room mom called everyone on her contact list and and also the cops so finally she told us that we were going to her friends house Tami Rupp for the night till things mellow out. So me and Lacey were clueless at the time and went to Michael and i asked him "Where are you going?" he said "I can't tell you just know that you will always be in my heart and please remember me." and we started to cry and before Lacey and I knew it Tami was there and we went to go get in the car and Lacey and I hugged each other and held each other and cried... The next morning we went back home and it looked like a tornado hit our house inside and mom had a ton of bags by the door and she had a maskara stain down her cheeks and the clothes she wore the day before. Finally we wited and saw our Aunts and Unkles truck and our dad was in the car too. As mom and all the other adults talked for 1/2 hour they got in the car and mom said her last words... Girls i wont see ou for awhile now i want you to be strong for me and get through the rest of the school year succesfully, okay... As we both noded our heads and she said I LOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH never forget that Goodbye...

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