Chapter 3

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Elena (Before Katherine becomes Elena - this is completely separate to the show)

I need to talk to Caroline. Stefan thinks we should warn Klaus rather than Caroline but I told him it's her life in danger not his. Shinichi has figured out Caroline isn't here and is waiting for one of us to lure him to her. We only just got Stefan back, can't he give it a rest? I pull out my phone and call Caroline. "Elena! Oh My God! Is everything ok?"
"No Caroline, Shinichi figured out that you are gone and is waiting for someone to lead him to you, but I haven't seen him since... Oh No!" I gasp. "Elena? Since when?" Caroline asks worried. "Since Klaus came back to get your clothes! Oh Caroline you don't think he followed Klaus!?" I could hear Caroline moving stuff on the other side. "Elena I have to go! I'll talk to you once I make sure it's ok," then the phone hung up.

What do I do? Get Klaus? Elijah? No, no. I don't even know if Shinichi is here. I walk down the stairs to the front door and grasp the handle. Here goes nothing. I push open the door and step outside. Nothing, I step forward, still nothing. Elena must have been wrong. BAM!

I open my eyes slowly and rush backwards into a tree. "Caroline Forbes, this is where they took you," Shinichi appears in front of me, black hair with blazing red tips and all. "Why can't you just leave me the hell alone?" I snarl , eyes turning red. 'Klaus!' I think desperately, it won't work but it's better than yelling out. "It's pointless Caroline, I can hear your thoughts more than he can," Shinichi smiles evilly. Think Caroline think, first keep him talking, "Why me?" I ask ignoring whatever he says, ok, I think, Klaus brought me hear to keep me safe. Think! He wouldn't let me out without some sort of protection. Like monitoring. "Shut up Shinichi. I have one thing you can never take, trust me I've tried... Klaus Mikaelson." I grin. Shinichi looks confused. "Well then Shinichi, I don't believe we've met. I'm Klaus and if you don't leave within the next 3 seconds I will tear your head from your body." Klaus says appearing next to the tree. "I believe what my brother is trying to say, is you are not welcome here," Elijah says appearing on the other side.
"Well then Shinichi, 2 Originals and a very, very angry Vampire!" I say shooting toward the Kitsune, eyes turning red and fangs bared, stopping right in front of him. "Get the hell away from me!" I snarl.
Shinichi's black eyes burnt red with anger, "You think you can beat me? You are merely Vampires, I am so much more, Kitsune cannot be easily killed! Every hundred years we grow a new tail and the more tails we have the more powerful we are! I have more than six!" He growls.
"That's really gross!" I exclaim backing up from my defensive position. Klaus laughs and Elijah straightens his suit, realizing we had won. "This isn't the end!" Shinichi growls before disappearing. "Haha!" I laugh triumphantly as Elijah walks back to the house. Klaus turns to walk back to the house.
"Klaus wait!" He spins around. "Thank you, he wouldn't have let me go if you and Elijah hadn't come to my rescue," I say smiling. He smiles back rather shyly then vampire runs off.

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