Chapter 7

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I sit in my room, alone and bored. Hayley wanders in my room and sits in the chair in the corner. "So," she says, cradling her stomach.  "I would ask if you wanna talk about it but I don't think it'd help. Is Klaus back yet?" I could almost detect worry in her voice, almost. "I don't know, he was fighting when I left," I answer standing up and pacing around my room. I mean, it's not like i'm worried or anything. He just, doesn't deserve to die at the hands of Shinichi.  We can leave that pleasure to Damon. "I'm glad your so concerned for my well-being," A voice echoes from the door. I spin on my heels and end up face to face with Klaus. "Careful love, watch where you're going," He smiles charmingly. 
"Klaus!" I exclaim shocked. 
"My cue to exit," Hayley smiles at me and brushes past Klaus who grabs her arm. 
"Where are you going little wolf?" Klaus asks looking over his shoulder at Hayley. 
"Downstairs, that alright with you?" He releases her arm and she storms off.

"What happened?" I ask, taking a few steps away from him.
"Oh nothing, I can't say it was much of a fight, it seems the fox would rather hide like a coward than stand and face me." Klaus sighs and shrug. 
"It means your still alive, and next time I see Shinichi, because undoubtedly I will, I'll thank him for running." Klaus looks mildly shocked but of course he mocks me.
"You doubt my abilities, Caroline," He smiles despite his comment and walks away.  

After a few minutes I decide to go find Elijah and actually thank him for the help today, Klaus is to smug to deserve it, he'll see it as more than a thank you and i'm not dealing with him now. 

Elijah stands in the living room looking furiously at Klaus. I pause outside the door listening, "Niklaus your recklessness when it comes to this is unacceptable, This danger is ever present and you allow yourself to get caught up in simply proving your strength to this girl, who merely needs protecting until Shinichi gets bored." Elijah sounds tired and almost angry.

"Do not tell me what I should be doing, if I hadn't of fought him he would have had another chance to take Caroline-"

"He still does! Don't you see Niklaus, you achieved nothing by this, it was reckless and you risked your life for what, something to boast over!" Now Elijah sounds mad.

"You and I both know there is only one thing that can kill me!" Klaus yells,

"We have never encountered anything like this Kitsune You don't know what he is capable of! He may well be able to kill us all," I can tell Elijah has calmed down but Klaus has worked his way into a frenzy. "You doubt me Brother! You would accuse me of fighting for something to boast and gloat about, I need to sort out my Priorities? What about you!? You would choose Hayley over this family any day and you have the nerve to say that to me?" I am frozen to the spot, I can't tear my attention from the fight. "Niklaus-"
"No, No! Not another word, this is done, Brother. Caroline, Love, come here." Klaus demands, his voice lightens slightly when he mentions my name. I walk slowly into the room, Elijah spins away and paces in the opposite direction. I walk up to Klaus who grasps my shoulders -

I remember nothing. 

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