Chapter 9

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For those of you who don't know what a Kitsune is, the image above is one in fox form :)

Enjoy the chapter!

It's been quiet, suspiciously quiet. From what Bonnie and Elena have told me about Kitsune, they don't give up easily. Apparently Misao has left Mystic Falls alone too, are they really gone? I haven't heard a word from Shinichi in 5 days and I'm getting worried. He's probably planning something big... something worse than a hostage or unwanted photos. 


"Something's wrong!" I yell, Elijah frowns and shakes his head. 
"I agree its been too long since something has happened, and Shinichi doesn't strike me as the 'giving up' type..." Elijah adds. So what is he planning? 
"Why don't we just track him down and fight! He ran last time so maybe he knows he can't win!" I suggest. Again Elijah shakes his head. "No, He probably knew that if he killed you, he wouldn't get Caroline," It makes sense, what Elijah is saying. 
"What about Caroline?" Caroline asks walking in. 
"Oh nothing love, just plotting the destruction of a certain angry fox spirit," I say smiling. 
Caroline walks further into the room and folds her arms across her chest, "I may be able to help with that," she says and I motion for her to go on.  "Bonnie told me that the only way to get a Kitsune to stop terrorizing a town, Misao in Mystic Falls for example, you have to make the Kitsune regret choosing the town. So essentially, giving them hell until they give up." (A/N i'm not sure how accurate that is i'm just going off the book!) I think it over, giving Shinichi hell is probably easier said than done... "That is for a Kitsune attacking a town, correct? does it work the same way for a person?" Elijah asks Caroline. Caroline looks unsure, 
"I don't know, I would assume so..." It had better be the same! I think. We all stand motionless for a few seconds until Elijah speaks, "And what of Mystic Falls? What is happening there?" Caroline paused a moment. "Well, like her brother, she has stopped tormenting them for now... But she's having an effect on the children, sort of possessing them. Elena said it's pretty bad," Caroline says sadly, her home is being slowly destroyed and she is stuck here. Poor love. 


How to make Shinichi regret wanting me? Go with him and be extremely annoying and dramatic... No he'd probably kill me. Hide until he gets bored? He'd probably take another hostage and find other leverage... again, probably not the best idea. find someone prettier and more interesting for him to stalk and kidnap? Unlikely. Damn! Why can't Klaus call Damon and Stefan and everyone just fight him, thats what? 4 against 1? Pretty good chances. But then that just leaves Bonnie and Elena protecting Mystic Falls. We had better think of something soon, his silence is almost worse then having him threaten me every 5 minutes.  My head snaps up when I hear a knock at the door. Pushing my hair behind my ears I listen for the voice. It's male, but not Shinichi. It's Damon. I run down the stairs and stop abruptly in front of him. "Ah Caroline, not dead yet," he grins mischievously.  I frown, 
"I spoke to Bonnie yesterday, she said you were trying to hunt down Misao?" Something like anger flashed through Damon's eyes. "We didn't find her. I came here to help you kill the other one." I nod. 
"Elijah could you help me go get the stuff that Shinichi sent so we can show Damon?" I ask. He nods and follows me up the stairs. Once we are in my room I quietly shut the door and repeatedly open and shut draws for background noise. "That isn't Damon," I say at a barely audible level, rustling some papers and slamming a draw. Elijah nods. "Damon wouldn't leave his home or Elena, unprotected and he certaintly doesn't care about me so much to hunt down something that isn't a threat to him," I add, finally pulling out the photos I shut the draw and more loudly say. "Great, I found them!" I hold the photos up to Elijah and point to the door. He nods, takes them from me, and leaves the room. I hear Elijah say, "Here are photo's he threatened her with, Caroline is just looking for one more thing," he says. Elijah keeps talking, to distract him from me I suppose. I swiftly grab my phone and call Damon. "Blondie? What is it?" Damon asks, sounding annoyed. 
"Where are you right now?" I ask quickly and softly. To distract the people downstairs, I kick the bed with my foot so it makes a loud noise and swear, as if I've hit my foot. "I'm with Stefan and Matt, looking for a certain evil Japanese fox, why?" I rustle some more papers,
"There is a fake Damon in the house and I think my Original protectors are going to become fox food." Damon swears. "Just figure it out," Then he hangs up and I shove my phone under my pillow. Racing downstairs I apologize, "Sorry, I couldn't find my phone, it had fake texts on it..." I say in explanation. 'Damon' nods. "So what's the plan to catch the Fox?"
"Seeing as he is so annoyingly attached to me, I am going to stand outside and you can fight," I figured if he follows me out then we'll be certain its him. I step outside and walk forward. Elijah, Klaus and 'Damon' follow me out. I stand for a few seconds and then, everything goes downhill. 

A figure appears in front of me, grinning wildly, tails swishing in excitement. "What's this darling? giving yourself up? How sweet!" He chuckles and holds out a hand.
"What!?" I exclaim, jumping backwards only to bump into Damon. I step away from all of them and watch in surprise as the Damon figure shrinks, the hair grows longer and the face narrows. And then, Damon is gone and a small girl grins at me. "I assume you are Misao?" Elijah asks with little emotion. 
"You are correct," She says and skips to her twin. The two both have black hair with scarlet tips and unsettling black eyes. "Now dear sister, don't you have a town to be destroying? It is our mission remember?" She pouts dramatically but Shinichi looks serious so she blows him a kiss, glares at us, then disappears. "Well darling, ready to come with me?" Shinichi asks holding out his hand again. 
"Yeah, i'll pass..." I step back to Klaus and Elijah who stand either side of me. 
"You will regret ever going near Mystic Falls!" Klaus yells sprinting forward toward Shinichi. Who, terrifyingly, is still grinning. 

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