Chapter 5

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5 minutes after the vampire leaves Shinichi appears with Matt. For some reason Matt seems unable to move but when he spots me, his eyes grow a little wider. "What an interesting place..." Shinichi drawls, nose turned up as if he just smelt something foul. "I'm here, let Matt go," I say calmly as possible, though inside i'm snapping witty insults. "Yes Yes as promised. You can have the boy, not that you will be seeing him but he gets to live." Shinichi motions forward with his right hand and Matt stumbles forward. "Now darling come here."
"Um No, Matt run!" I yell, taking a few steps back.
"But Care!?" he protests, I glare fiercely at him, a look that says 'I'll be fine, get the hell out of here.'

"Very noble, Darling, but you aren't leaving."

I give up on mental distress calls and stand up straight. "Who do you think you are destroying My town and threatening My friends, Threatening Me! Well, I refuse, you can't take me," I proclaim taking another step back. "Watch me," he grins, his 7 tails swishing in excitement. I instantly feel immobile. I can't even lift a finger. But I can still talk. "Let. Me. Go!" I protest, trying with all my might to move even a toe.
"Sorry Darling."

5 minutes earlier


I look away from Marcel and at my brother who rather hastily strolls toward us. "Brother we are in the middle of discussing-"
"Caroline's gone," Elijah says calmly, although his eyes betray his worry. Without even looking at Marcel I follow Elijah. As we pace through New Orleans I ask "What happened?"

"Caroline was threatened, Shinichi left photos that Caroline didn't want sent to Mystic Falls, Photos of the two of you, though we dismissed the threat she didn't seem overly worried after she shut the photos in a draw, which haven't moved from that position. I believe Shinichi has used other leverage to get her there. Possibly threats of destroying the town or harming her friends..." Elijah paused and I started talking. "Say she did go to meet him, where would she go?"
"I suppose it would be some place easy for us to find, but Shinichi wont make that mistake again, plus Niklaus, Caroline wouldn't know where to go," I consider what Elijah has just said and weigh the options in my mind. "She would still try to be helpful, think about key things that may have helped her chose in a town she doesn't know," I wonder aloud as we check quickly in normal Caroline-y places. "What about something that links the two of you? Like where you were on your last trip?" Elijah offers. "No, that's too far away, it would be something she could easily find wandering around, or asking around... Elijah, what did you tell her of the witches and werewolves of New Orleans?" I ask.
"She knows of the witches and simply that the Werewolves aren't in the city anymore." I think on this for a second. "Her little witch friend Bonnie, Caroline might have found something to do with the witches, or the werewolves, She knows how I despise Tyler so that is a good guess," I start heading toward the french quarter only to have Elijah place a hand on my shoulder. The witches would have told Marcel if Shinichi was messing around in the quarter, also, didn't you first meet saving her life from a werewolf bite you caused?" Elijah counters. Aha!
"Well then brother, to the Bayou."

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