Chapter 2 "First day down, a week to go"

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After Andalasia explained to Atlantis about the club fair, she was excited to check it out for herself. Andalasia and Atlantis walked around the club fair looking around. There were so many interesting clubs to join. “Hey Andalasia where did America go?” Atlantis asked looking around. “He's right here...Huuu... Damn it America” She said in an angry voice. Atlantis manged to distract her by pulling her to random club booths. Not long after looking around the club fair Atlantis found her older brother Pacific there. “Hey France do you have money?” Pacific asked putting his hand on France's shoulder. “Oui beaucoup (yes a lot)” France answered. “Well I understood the yes, so how about you join the gambling club” Pacific said with a grin. “Oui I will think about it” France said before he walked away. Atlantis walked over to his booth, “Seriously!? You started a gambling club? Wait! When did you start up a club? This is our first day” Atlantis Said with a confused expression. “Well of course I started a gambling club, all the other clubs were kinda lame so I thought why not start my own, so I did like 20mins ago” He said with a grin on his face. “.... Yeah well I don't know how to respond to that so I think I'll just walk away now, see you later” Atlantis turned around and walked back to Andalasia. “Wow Atlantis sure is something” She said with an awkward smile. Atlantis gave her a nervous smile and nodded in agreement.

“Hey Atlantis and Andalasia you two should totally join my hero club” America said randomly popping up. “What!? Where the Hell have you been?” Said a startled and annoyed Andalasia. “Oh I went to go start up my own club, I saw Prussia had an “I am Awesome club” so I thought why not have my own club too” America said before he started to laugh. “You so would start a hero club” Sighed Andalasia. “Haha of course so do you guys wanna join?” He said nudging on Andalasia's shoulder. “Well...Alright your lucky I like super heroes” Said Andalasia. “Yay how about you Atlantis?” America asked grabbing her hands. “Hmmm I'm not sure” Atlantis said nervously. “Aww come on please” America begged giving Atlantis the puppy dog eyes. Atlantis tried not to give in but she was no match for America's puppy dog eyes and gave in. “Well alright I'll join your club America” She sighed in defeat. “Yahoo thanks” He said hugging Atlantis. “America your too close” Atlantis Said blushing as she pushed him away (not used to hugs). “Hey America have you joined another clubs?” Andalasia asked. “Yeah I joined several other clubs, the sports club, the video game club and the kendo club which Japan convinced me to join” He said. “That's cool Atlantis and I joined various clubs too” Andalasia said. “What clubs did you guys join?” America asked. “ We joined the swimming club, the cooking club, video game club and surprise surprise the kendo club, Japan convinced us too” Andalasia said. After talking to America for about 15 minuets, Andalasia and Atlantis continued to look around.

At the same time North Pole, Vilga, Czech, and Amsterdam were also looking around the booths. “Hey NP” Said Italy walking up to her. “Hey Italy” North Pole responded. “ NP would you like to join the news paper club? Germany has me looking for new members” Italy said. “Yeah sure sound like fun” She said with a smile. “Great come with me” Italy Grabbed her hand and dragged her to the News paper club booth. “Hey Germany my friend North Pole says she wants to join” Italy said saluting Germany. North

Pole looked at the blond with curiosity. “Good work Italy, Hello there I'm Germany” He said trying to smile. North Pole hid behind Italy after Germany tried to smile. “It's OK NP he only looks scary at first but he's really a nice guy as long as you don't make him mad” Italy said patting her head to calm her down.

Meanwhile Vilga was looking around the clubs. Then she noticed Russia hiding behind a bush. She figured he was hiding from Belarus which was very common. “Hey Vilga have you seen big brother Russia?” Belarus asked with a scary gaze. Vilga smiled and told her that Russia went home. “He did oh no I must hurry home then” She said and started running towards the gate. Vilga then walked over to Russia to let him know Belarus was gone. “Thank you Vilga, That why you are my favorite sister” He said patting her head. “No problem big brother, will you look around the club fair with me since I saved you?” She said giving him a sweet smile. “Well alright then” He said. Vilga and Russia walked around the club fair, then something caught Vilga's attention. She saw Canada at the music club booth and walked towards it. “H-hello Canada” Vilga said shyly. “Oh hey Vilga are you joining the music club too?” Canada asked her then flashed her a smile. Vilga blushed and nodded. Canada smiled and patted her head, then stopped because Russia was giving him a scary look. “W-Well I should be going now bye Vilga” Canada said panicked. “Come on Vilga lets look around some more” Russia said. She stood there in a daze while Russia pulled her along.

While they continued to look around, Czech was wandering around looking for Japan, who invited her to the club fair. She later found him in the kendo club booth he had started. Apparently Japan managed to convince many of his friends to join his club. Czech really didn't need much convincing though. She had a tough time saying no to Japan, he is her best friend after all. Czech spent the rest of her time convincing people to join the kendo club with Japan.

After almost an hour of looking around Atlantis and Andalasia were satisfied with the clubs they joined. “Wow Atlantis we saw a lot of pretty interesting clubs didn't we?” Andalasia smiled. “Yeah it sure was fun looking around” Atlantis said. “Hey look it's Vilga. Hey Vilga over here” Andalasia began waving at Vilga. Vilga and Russia walked over to them. “Sup Vilga so did you join any clubs?” Andalasia asked. “Da of course I did” She said with a smile. “Hey Vilga I saw you at the music booth, I bet you signed up for that club didn't you?” Andalasia winked and nudged at her shoulder. Atlantis and Russia just looked at them confused. “Whats in the music club that's so special?” Atlantis asked. “Nothing except Canada, isn't that right Vilga” Andalasia said with a grin as she teased Vilga. Vilga's face turned a bright red “W-What N-no, I just like M-music that's all” She said turning her head to hid her blush. Andalasia grinned “Sure” she said sarcastically. After Andalasia finished teasing Vilga, the Club fair booths were being taken down, meaning the club fair was now over. “Vilga it's getting late we should go home now Da?” Said Russia with a smile. “Vilga nodded in agreement and followed her big brother home. Andalasia also started for home. Atlantis on the other hand was looking for her older siblings. “Oh there you guys are” Atlantis said walking over to her siblings. “Alright there's Atlantis now lets go home already, before they make me clean” Said an impatient Pacific.

The three proceeded walking home. “So how did you guys like your first day at World Star Academy? Mine was pretty good” Said Atlantis. “Mine was pretty good too the only problem was the teacher made me sit down next to some annoying guy. All he does is keep saying “I am awesome” he's so conceded” Said Antarctica rolling her eyes. Pacific started laughing “Oh yeah remember that guy. I won 30$ off of him. When I won all he said was “Za Great Prussia never loses, he just didn't win” hahaha if only I managed to squeeze more money out of him” He said with a greedy grin. “Well I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves” Atlantis said flashing her trade mark smile. The three sibling enjoyed their first day and looked forward to returning the next day.

~To Be Continued

Hetalia Fanfic World star Academy chapter 1 " New students,first day"Where stories live. Discover now