Chapter 9

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Jeremiah POV

Tessa woke up limping an shit that's how I know I laid it down I just sat on the bed smirking at her.

"What you looking at" she said glaring at me I just laughed an went in the bathroom to run her some water.

"Come on bambi the water warm " she rolled her eyes an stripped while pushing me out the bathroom.

I went back in the bathroom she closed the bathroom curtains "boy what are you doing"

"Brushing my teeth an bout to take a shit"

"Miah don't play with me"

I laughed while grabbing a toothbrush an brushing my teeth

Tessa got out the tub an had a towel wrap around her I starred at her.

"You don't checking me out" she said while pushing me I shook my head an she just walked out the bathroom.

When I came out she was fully dressed

"What you wanna do today"

"I don't- Ooo let's get some ice cream!"

"Alright let's go" we where walking around Mexico while my ass burning up an she ain't go not one drop of sweat on her.


Tessa POV

Miah looked like he just jumped in a pool "are you okay look like yo ass bout t faint"

He glared at me "it's bout 300 degrees out here" he said while fanning himself I was cracking up I grabbed my stomach when I looked at him he was just glaring at me I wiped some tears out my eyes.

Then I saw the ice cream house I ran in their an it was feeling to good.

I sat down while Jeremiah was ordering our ice creams.

He came back with two chocolate ice cream cones.

"Thanks" i said while licking my ice cream

"The only way you can thank me is me on top while your umder me screaming" he whispered an my jaw dropped

"Who says your gonna be on the top this time" I said while playfully glaring at him

He started laughing "we'll see"

A man walked up to us

"donde dejar" I looked at him like he was crazy

"We don't speak Spanish" the man pinched the bridge of his nose

"Get up where leaving" He whispered dangerously

"An why would we go with you

He pointed to the guy 'reading' the newspaper while he was starring at us

"As soon as you guys leave this place your dead now last chance get up an let's go"

Jeremiah looked at me an i shrugged we slowly got up an followed the Mexican man

We got in some weird car an we where off it was a black van following us

"Uh guys we should probably make this thing go a little faster"

"Sì" he pulled something causing us to take off we quickly lost them in the traffic an crowd of people trying to get by

"vamonos vamonos"

Now i knew what that ment..... thanks Dora

We walked inside the old Mexican mans home na old lady quickly ran towards me an Jeremiah she was touching us

"Oh no no no vamonos follow me hurry" I looked at Jeremiah an it was his turn to shrug we followed the old lady into the kitchen.

*****20 minutes later*****

I was about to vomit

"I can't eat any more lady"

Sì sì you can" how she gone tell me

Jeremiah over there passed out while im holding my stomach grunting every two seconds.

The old Mexican man came back an looked at all us with a smile while turning to his wife.

" Sweety detener el relleno de estos niños "

"No no they to skinny" he laughed

"You two can stay in the guest room its a little small but it'll have to do" i nodded an got up shaking Jeremiah we walked up the stairs an i instantly plopped on the bed with Jeremiah an was knocked out.


A/N sorry for the wait an the spelling errors




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