Chapter 2

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*Picture of Jeremiah*

Jeremiah POV

I woke up and Tessa was snuggled into me grabbing her body I pushed her back careful not to wake her than got up to take a piss an handle my hygiene, going back in the room I saw her on her phone with her back facing me.

"Hey Bambi"

"Sup Dumbo" I laughed a little an jumped on the bed making her bounce up she turned around and mugged me so I grabbed her face an made that mug turn into a smile.

She swatted my hand away while I started laughing on the bed "your a jerk" she mumbled

"But you love this jerk now get in the bathroom an get cleaned up your breath smell like dog shit"

She gasped then covered her mouth "really?" She asked while her eyebrows going up I almost started laughing again I shook my head up an down.

She got up an ran to the bathroom I could hear the water running an her grabbing her tooth brush.


Tessa POV

Miah is such a jerk sometimes but I love him we where sitting on the porch talking about random stuff, it's been about two weeks sense we got are freak on.

But that's not all I want from Jeremiah I want love but we made a promise to never get are heart into this just sex an it kind of hurts. I brought it up an he seemed to get a little angry so I never said anything about it again.

Miah been hanging out with some girl name Brenda that's probably why we haven't been going at it.

While in my thoughts I didn't notice a tear sliding down my face I quickly wiped it before Jeremiah could see it.

"You alright Tessa you seem a little out of it today" I didn't trust my voice so I nodded my head.

"I don't believe you how about we go get some ice cream to cheer you up" ice cream was my weak spot I quickly stood up an nodded.

"But only if where going to cold stones" he chuckled

"Yes where going to cold stones Bambi" I smiled than started to run to the car.

"Race you to the car!" I shouted at him

"You cheated!" He whined while starting to run towards the car he started to get close so I stretched my legs taking longer steps soon he got ahead of me so I grabbed his shirt trying to slow him down.

"Let me go"

"Never!" I ran then jumped on his back he tumbled in the grass and I got up an ran back to the car when he got up I was already at the passenger side smiling while out of breath.

"Your a cheater" he mumbled while gettin in the car he put the key in an started to back up.

"Wait you asshole unlock my door" I said while keeping up with the car trying to get in.

He burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world unlocking the door I tried to get in but he started to back up.

"Nigga run my foot over if you want too you gone have dents in this new car and popped tires" he instantly stopped an let me get in.


Pulling up to cold stones I get out an run into the building quickly finding a booth I slide in an wait for Jeremiah to get in so he can order my favorite ice cream I don't have to tell him because we know each other like the back of are hands.

Jeremiah came in an ordered are ice cream he came to the booth with our birthday cake remixes.

We sat down an started to eat than his phone rang "hey Brenda "

"Alright where inside I'll come out just stay put" he started to stand up and and gave me the 'wait a minute finger' he ran out I looked out the window an I could see him basically having a make out session with her.

My heart clinched in my chest while tears started to poke at my eyes I tried not to cry because I have a really ugly cry it felt like a lump was in my throat no sound was coming out.

Soon they broke apart and started to walk towards the building I quickly wiped my face and took deep breaths.

"Its okay Tessa breath in....then breath out" when my prep talk was over they walked in and the first thing I noticed was him holding her hand I quickly look away and go back to eating my ice cream.

They sat in the booth and Brenda kept looking at me I looked up and she smiled so I gave her the fakest smile I could do "Hey Tessa how you been"

"just find" I said through gritted teeth

"Ooo Miah wanna go see Magic Mike XXL" I said hoping he would say yes he never really turned me down but I still ask

"Umm yea sure Bambi"

"Yay it's gonna be so fun me Tessa and Miah all of us hanging out together" I looked at her like she was crazy.

One who invited her and second why she calling my best friend Miah.

"Umm Brenda you weren't invited so you can calm yo preppy ass down and second who you calling Miah that's my nickname for him you better chill" I said while mugging her

"Jeremiah baby can I go" she said while purring his name and rubbing her index finger up and down his chest.

I looked at him giving him that 'bitch you better say no face' he looked at me then back at Brenda.

"Umm y-yea you can go baby" he said while holding her hand then he brought it up to his lip and kissed them.

My eyes started to burn and I could feel the tears about to fall down "I-I gotta go" I grabbed my leftover ice cream and sprinted towards the door.


Jeremiah POV

I felt bad for Tessa she looked hurt but I told her we weren't gonna put are heart in to this just strictly sex but now I found someone I like maybe love but I'm not sure yet but Brenda an I been talkin for a while an decided to actually get serious with this.

"Baby I think you should actually stop hanging out with that girl Tessa she's trying to break us apart" I chuckled a little at her stupidity

"Bam- Tessa would never do anything like that now let's go so we can get ready for the movies....if she still wants to go" I mumbled the last part

"What was that sweety" she asked looking at me

"I said let's go" getting out the booth I grabbed her hand an helped her out she drove in her car an followed me to my house.


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