Chapter 16

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Tessa POV

I sat back drinking my strawberry daquiri it was actually really good but, I wasn't gonna let him know that.

"You haven't even touched your food" He snapped at me in a calm voice

"I'm not that hungry, actually can i go to the bathroom?" he looked into my eyes and I made sure to keep a emotionless face.

As soon as he nodded i hopped up and scurried to the bathroom, taking my phone out I blew Jeremiah's phone up but the calls wouldnt go threw.

Shaking my head my eyes started to tear up i breathed in and out and looked around seeing a window; standing on the toilet I looked out the window only to see bar's.

About to walk out a white women and her two twin daughters walked in.

I rushed over to her with tears in my eyes "Can I please use your phone"

"For what" she asked starring at me like i was crazy.

"There's no time to explain please" i begged the tears spilling out my eyes.

She hesitantly handed me her phone i snatched and instantly called the police telling them my location and my name as soon as i hung up i reached to hand her back her phone only to look up and see her looking at something with fear.

Turning around slowly i Christopher with a gun pointed at us "I try to be nice and this is how you repay me!?" He said hitting his head and before i knew it he fired to shots in the women neck and head.

She hit the floor and her kids started screaming he then shot another bullet into one of the twins head.

He knelt down to her height and looked her into the eyes "this is all you and her fault your mom and sister would have been alive if you didnt have to piss and she didnt have to use your mom phone" he back handed the little girl and she hit the floor crying then snatched me up by my hair leading me out the restaurant.

I cried hard for the little girl who knows how her life is going to be like now shes gonna be put up for adoption me heart burned with hatred to Christopher.

Police sirens where seen in the distance and I knew i had a chance.

I kicked and  scratched causing my nail to dig into his cheek he screamed punching me in the face I grabbed the tiny bit of hair he had trying to drag him to the ground to give time for the police to get here.

"You know what im tired of this" He took the gun and put it under my chin i instantly stopped moving causing him to smirk but I smirked back seeing the police get out the car next to us.

"Put your hands up and drop the weapon!" one of them shouted

Christopher got up slowly holding the by the tip then dropped it to the ground.

"Now turn around and put your arms behind your back!" He did that and as soon as the police got close he whipped out a blade and slice the man throat quickly snatching the gun and shooting the polices partner.

I cried in frustation i was so close.

"Just not close enough" He said in my ear like he was reading my mind and I cried harder.


I actually wasnt gonna update but I just starred typing now here I am but I also felt bad because you guys are just voting and I haven't updated in forever ;( this hasn't been updated like always because im so lazy.




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