Panel and Dance Off

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Then I heard Marks Crazy La Paint  theme song. I began to dance to it. I heard Marks deep voice and then him yelling Jacks name, then Bobs, then Wades, then himself.
"Now I think we are missing a girl about yay high and has blond hair and glasses, MADDIE!", Marks voice called.
"MARK", I yelled in the microphone as I walked through the double doors. The whole crowd turns to face me. This caused my face to turn bright red but I relaxed. I began to skip up to the stage and I stuck my hands out and the fans hit them.
I jumped up on to the stage and the fans in the room roared in cheer and applause. I smiled and bowed.
"Yep, guys I now have a new member to the Fishbach family, Maddie over here", Mark said putting me in to a head lock position.
"Do you want to say anything, Maddie?", Mark asked.
I grew up as much courage as I could then said in to my head set microphone "Hello guys, yep I'm Maddie and I've met most of you so I am super happy to be here",. I smiled and gave a double thumbs up.
"Great not let's all get settled in to our seats as get this panel started", Mark yelled putting his fist up in to the air. "Maddie would you like to do the honors of going out in to the crowd and getting the first question?", Mark asked handing me a microphone.
"Sure thing, Dad", I said getting up and grabbing the microphone from his hand and jumping off the stage and went in to the path searching the sea of hands for the perfect question. I spotted a girl with glasses like Mine who had her hand up. I ran over to her.
"Thanks Maddie, hi I am Latein and I was wondering what is your favorite color?", she asked addressing me.
"Umm.. I love pink but I have loved blue for most of my life so I love blue", I said running back up to the stage and Mark ran out in to the sea of people and got asked a lot of questions. People tossed me plush toys one was a plush Bonnie from Five Nights At Freddy's.
"Thank you", I yelled. The most common question was what happened to Jacks leg and if he was okay. Mark simply said that it was a personal matter and he was okay. Then people began to ask me questions on guy asked "Maddie I have a question what is it like living with Mark?",.
I looked at Jack, Bob, and Wade who were smiling at me.
"Well, let me just say that it is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me and I am just happy to be apart of this wacky group and to be able to call these guys uncles", I responded. The audience let out a "awwwww",. I loved this community.
Then some one made the mistake about challenging me to a dance off. It was a boy who called himself Zane. He had brown hair and glasses wired like Marks and he wore his hat backwards.
"I challenge you to a dance off Maddie", The boy called.
"Oh your on", I said.
The boy walked up to the stage and then Mark cued for his theme song to be turned on. Zane was up first so he did a cool brack dance routine. Then he ended it with a back flip. Then it was my turn. I started of by doing 2 front flips and dropped on the floor then shot back up then I did a weird heart thing my foster brother Jackson had showed me then I ended with a cool slide.
The audience cheered. Zane had won. Fair and square. The panel ended shortly after that. All of the fans left the panel and went back out to go see very one else at Comic Con. I sat back in the panel table.
Wade came up behind me and startled me.
"Hey was that fun or what?", Wade said.
"Yea, loads of fun", I said.
"Mark knew you would enjoy it", Wade said.
"Yea, where is Mark and the others", I asked.
"They are making there last signing then they are going to pack up and get ready for the long trip tomorrow", Wade said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, well let's go do the last signing and say our good byes", I said.
"Okay, come on Kido", Wade said getting down on his hands and knees. "Climb on",.
"Piggy back ride?", I asked.
"Yep", Wade said.
I climb on to Wades back and we swerved through the back rooms to the main lobby. I loved Comic Con!

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