Moving to a New Home

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I woke up this morning happy to be going home. Back to the apartment and back to the regular schedule. I woke to Jack snoring in my ear and Mark snoring louder then Jack. I got out of bed just as Mark phone went off. I ran over and answered it.

"Hello?", I said.

"Is this Mark Fishbach?", A man asked.

"No this is actually his daughter, sir", I said.

"Great can I please talk
To your dad", the man said.

"Of course", I said running over to Marks sleeping body. "Mark some guy in on the phone",.

"Okay give me phone", Mark said taking the phone out of my hands. While he talked to the guy I tried to wake Jack up.

"Jackaboy", I sang. "Wake up",.

"What, Maddie?", He sang back.

"Get up", I said.

"Why? go do something on your own", Jack moaned rolling over.

"Fine ", I snapped back. The door to my room flew open. It was Dr. Frank!

"Hey Maddie", Dr. Frank said. "How is your eye?",.

"To be honest , Doctor, I have not really noticed that I have been blind in that eye", I said remembering.

"Good good some people panic a lot and have panic attacks over them", Dr. Frank said.

"Oh I see", I said.

"In one eye you don't HAHA.....HA okay I'll stop", Jack said.

"Wow just wow", I said.

"So are you ready to go home", Dr. frank said.

"Actually we can't", Mark said. "A fan can to our house and Wade came to the door and apparently they were creepy stalkers, the cops just called",.

"So what now?", I asked.

"Ryan, Matt, and I have been planing for this and we have a house that is about a hour away from the apartment that we can go to", Mark said. "It had a pool and everything",.

"Okay then",I said. "What about our stuff?",.

"Umm.... Matt and Ryan are handling that and by the time we get to our new home we should be unpacked", Mark said checking his phone.

"Good let me just do a check up on that head of yours and give you some medicine and you will be free to go", Dr. Frank said.

"Yay", I said.

Dr. Frank looked at my head for a minute and then gave Mark a medicine bottle and then we were free to leave.

"See you guys later", Dr. Frank said walking out. I was still wearing my regular clothes and Mark picked me up bridal style and we walked out of that hospital in to the sun light. It hurt my eye but I was glad to be out. Mark loaded me on to the car and shut the door as Wade jumped in to the back with me and Jack rode in the front with Mark.

"Aren't you glad to be out?", Mark said.

"Yes, I'm very happy about being out", I said.

"Good", Mark said. "I am not crazy about hospitals either and I don't think anyone loves them",.

I listened to Mark talk to Jack and Wade about past experiences in the hospital while also staring out the window of the car. We drove for what seemed to be for ever until we pulled up to a nice beach house looking place.

"Here we are", Mark said.

"Holy crap Mark", Jack said gasping at the house.

There were moving trucks in front of the house and I saw Matt and Ryan carrying a sofa in to the house. Yay new home!

We jumped out of the car and walked in to the house.

"Maddie go choose your room on the 2nd floor, Ian has already claimed his", Ryan said.

"Okay", I said walking up the hard wood stairs. I came to a hall way and a part of the wall was gone so you could look over the living room and kitchen. I passed what I believed to be Ian's room because I could hear Annalee helping him unpacking with Yami. I opened up a door and entered a large room and it was perfect!

"Mark! I found the perfect room", I screamed. I heard Mark run up the stairs and in to my room.

"Suits you perfectly", Mark said. "Go hang out with Jack and go swimming in the pool with the guys while me, Ryan, and Matt unpack your stuff,okay?", Mark said.

"Yay, thanks Mark", I said giving him a hug. He handed me a bathing suit I used at H.O.M.E.Y. It was still really pretty. I quickly got changed and grabbed a towel and walked back down stairs and to the back porch. All of the guys were in the pool. Jack was doing cannon balls causing Bob to get splashed while sitting on the side of the pool. Wade was drinking some sweet tea.

"Maddie jump in I'll catch you", Jack said telling me to jump in. I ran towards to pool and then stopped at the edge.

"What is it?", Jack asked.

"Is it cold?", I asked.

"Why not find out?", Wade said pushing me in. New home!

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