Finally here!

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"Maddie come on we are running late", Annalee said shaking me awake. I shot up.

"What do you mean we are running late?", I stuttered.

"Mark set his alarm a half hour behind we got to go", Annalee said stammering around the room putting on a fnaf tshirt and jeans.

I got out of bed and put on one of the Aeropostale hoodies and jeans. I put on a pair of nike showed and followed Annalee to the living room where Mark was standing.

"Girls we got no time to waste grab your bag and let's go", Mark said throwing open the front door and pulling a suitcase behind him. I followed him down to the lobby and out to the parking lot with Annalee trailing behind. We threw our suitcases in to the trunk and all jumped in to Marks car. Mark spend down the road almost crashing in to a lamp post.

"Mark we will get there in time don't worry", I reassured.

"I know but I just want to make sure we made it", Mark said turning in to the air port.

"Okay we have about 20 minutes let's hurry", Annalee said. It was almost fully pitch black out side. We pulled our suitcases in to the airport entrance and quickly gave the fight attendant our tickets then we entered the plane. Putting are suitcases above us I sat by the window next to Annalee while Mark sat directly next to her just a isle apart.

"Yay we made it", I said throwing my hands into the air.

"Yay", Mark said. He was sweating like crazy. A fight attendant offered Mark some water in which Mark drank pretty quickly. I laid back in my seat as we take off. I checked my phone to see it was 4 in the morning!

"Oh my god", I said.

"What?", Annalee said.

"Dude, it is 4 in the morning", I muttered.

"WHAT?", Annalee squealed silently. "Mark, it is 4 in the morning",.

"Yup, we should arrive in about a hour", Mark said looking at his watch.

"I'm going to take a nap", Annalee said. "I am going to be so tired today",.

"Take your time, I will wake you up when we get there", Mark said.

"K", Annalee said leaning on my shoulder. It only took a few minuets for her to drift off to sleep.
I looked out the plane window and the clouds seemed to not be there because of how dark it was.
The past couple of nights I have not had good sleep. Between the death of Daniel and this trip it has been crazy. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Jack to see what he was up too:

MADDIE: Uncle Jack did you get back home?

JACK: Hey, Maddie, yup I made  it back just in time are you guys on the plane to ohio?

MADDIE: Yes, we made it but we ran a little late but we made it

JACK: Great how it Annalee?

MADDIE: She is sleeping

I took a picture of Annalee sleeping and sent it to Jack.

JACK: Awww, she is so peaceful

MADDIE: well I will let you get back to you recording stuff

JACK: okay, Maddie, you be good for you papa and tell Annalee to call me when you guys land.

MADDIE: K Buh bye

JACK: see ya little dude

I put my phone away and gazed out the window the swaying of the plane caused me to fall asleep, a jerk of the plane caused me to wake up once and a while. Mark fell asleep with his arms crossed and his feet propped up on to the seat next to him. I smiled then started to fall asleep again.

"Maddie were here", Annalee said taping me.

"Okay I'm up, I'm up", I said sitting up and stretching. I got out of my seat and grabbed my suitcase following Mark and Annalee off of the plane.

"Wade told me that he would meet us here", Mark told us.

I looked at Annalee who looked at me with a smile.

"Uncle Wade is coming", I said.

"Yea, keep a eye out for the big guy", Mark said.

"Okay", Annalee said looking around with us. "I see him!",.

"Where?", I said with Mark but it was too late she had dashed off in to a crowd.

"Follow her", Mark ordered. With that I ran behind Annalee saying excuse me and sorry. Annalee then stopped and made a turn so I followed her. I spotted Wade. Annalee stood in front of Wade. I ran up behind her with Mark coming behind me.

"Wade!", I practically screamed jumping on him in a hug.

"Hey Kiddo", Wade said hugging me back then setting me down.

"This is Jacks daughter", I said introducing Annalee." This is Annalee",.

"Hi Annalee, I'm Wade, wait have we meet..", Wade asked.

"Yea, at comic con a few months back", Annalee answered.

"Well nice to see you again", Wade said giving Annalee a hug. Then he gave Mark a hug.

"Let's go ahead and get loaded up in my car and let's get ya guys home", Wade said guiding us out the exit of the airport and to a red pickup truck.

"Put your stuff in the back guys", Wade said.

"Okay", we all said throwing are suitcase in the back of the pick up truck and climbed in to Wades pick up truck.
Me and Annalee sat in the back of the truck and Mark sat in the front with Wade who was driving.

"Golly I have not see you guys in a few months right?", Wade said.

"Yea", I said.

"At least Markimoo is home", Wade said.

"Feels great to be finally home", Mark said.

I looked out the window and see corn fields and forest area every where. A very pretty state.

"Maddie do you like chili?", Mark asked.

"Kind of", I said.

"Well your going to love the chili and noodles down here", Mark said with a smile.

"Do you guys have hot dogs?", Annalee asked.

"Sure do we got chili dogs and burgers", Wade said.

"Mmm burgers", Mark said.

We pulled in to a drive way and people came running out. Time to meet the family.

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