Chapter 6 : The Clouds In Your Palms.

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Evan POV

Sam's late. Yet again.

This was practically the fifth time he's late. He's usually the punctual one amongst us three -- Vic, I and him. And honestly, I was getting tired of this. It's extremely weird when I end up becoming the earliest during our weekly meet-ups.

Every week, we'd designate a day where all of us would clear out our schedules, and meet up. Just to catch up with each other and get the bonding time we desperately need. Whether it would be having coffee breaks, roller-skating, or just having a picnic at the park. Although all three of us were neighbours, and you'd expect us to bump into each other often, but that's not the case.

Victoria's busy with university and her part time job at the art gallery. Instead of going for pre-U education like Sam and I, she decided to go aboard with foundation at university, knowing full well what she wanted to become in life. A professional Photographer and a journalist.

I'm proud she'd decided to pursue her dreams, instead of following her family's long lineage of engineers. I'm even more proud she actually had the guts to do a double degree, taking both courses simultaneously. With her part-time job, her classes, her everyday schedules really packed, but she always tries to make time for us every week. Hm, reminder: treat Vic to a spa getaway. 

On the other hand, Sam here, Mr. LATE, was interested in everything.

Although he scored extremely well for his GCSE's, he could've easily attained a scholarship to anywhere in the world. But he decided to go through with A-levels here, saying that he just needed time to think his future through, deciding what he wants to become.

But if you ask me, I think he just couldn't bear the idea of being away from me. What can I say, ladies love me. Yes, I consider Sam to be a girl, since he shrieks like one everytime he sees a lizard. A LIZARD. That pansy. Though, judging from the subjects he's taking for A-levels, he's leaning towards being an Economist.

I'm surprised that Sam didn't think of becoming a lawyer. His words pack a mean punch. Wish I could say the same about his girly shriek.

Reminder : buy a few fake rubber lizards and place it in his bed later.

Yeah yeah, I know, both my best friends were really starting to think their future through. They're starting to become serious everytime they talk about college or university. Too serious in fact, that they're equally concerned about mine. It's like their maternal instincts automatically come on as soon as the word "future" is mentioned.


"Evan, you can't keep shrugging and evading the subject anymore. It's your future! It's important. Come on, what do you wanna do?" Sam asked. He was sitting on the musty old leather couch opposite me, one hand gripping his right knee, the other holding a steaming PortMerion tea cup, with a picture of a pink blooming rose on it. He even lifted his pinky. 

Vic sat cross-legged on the couch next to me, both hands cupping her big mug of hot chocolate, which was topped with loads of whipped cream and marshmallows. It almosts looks as if she's holding a mug full of clouds. Except for the fact her mug said 'Bite Me'.

"Yeah Ev, aren't you really good in art? You should really start thinking about using that talent of yours professionally. It could really rake in some cash! Maybe take a degree in Art?" piped up Vic, her upper lip covered in whipped cream. I looked at her in disgust as she deliberately licked the whipped cream off her upper lip like a bulldog.

I honestly think Sam and Vic were possibly opposite genders in their past lives.

"Hey, you could! Think about it, Evan. You could be just like your mom, she'd be proud of you, becoming a professional artist like her!" said Sam enthustiastically, before Vic shot him a glare. Sam yelped and immediately covered his mouth.

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