Chapter 17 : The Deluded

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I crossed my arms as I stared at the solid double oak doors, checking the time on my phone for what seemed to be the tenth time in the past 20 minutes. I sighed and tapped my foot impatiently. After a few minutes, I decided to get myself off my car bonnet. My bum felt like it was melting from to the heat coming off the running engine. Instead, I shifted my position to leaning against the driver door.

Soon enough, the bell rung loudly, signalling the end of school for the day. Crowds of students poured out from the main entrance, filling the parking lot with loud chatter, laughter, and just plain noise. I glanced at a group of boys whistling obnoxiously at the two girls who passed them. I shook my head in disgust.

I decided to past the time by checking emails on my phone. I paid close attention to the tiny screen in front of me, anything to help me ignore the attention I was getting from the students. I could hear a nearby group of girls gushing with each other about me, and at the same time sense the venomous glares boys were shooting at me.

As I briefly looked up from my phone, my eyes locked on a sour-looking boy leaning against his motorcycle. He had the whole "bad biker" look going on, with the stupid bandana on his shaggy hair, and a pair of aviators on the bridge of his plump nose (even though the sun wasn't even out).

The funny part about his whole look was that he looked swamped and uncomfortable wearing that oversized leather jacket and spike studded boots. I jerked my head in a menacing fashion at him just for fun. His cocky demeanour wavered as he shrunk back meekly, making him accidentally bumping against his huge motorcycle, causing a domino effect on the rows of bicycles parked next to his. I laughed to myself as I saw a group of students angrily shouting at him, chasing after the offending biker boy who bolted off.

I sighed to myself as another wave of girls continued staring at me.

Maybe most people would appreciate and crave for the limelight I was getting, but it meant nothing to me. Back in high school, these people wouldn't have given me the time of day, or as so much a sideways glance of acknowledgement.

You know that tall lanky boy in highschool ; who always wore a t-shirt two sizes too big, the one with extremely pale skin, or one who always got picked on for being too tall? Yeah, I was that boy.

The only thing my school mates remembered about me, was that I was the nerdy over-achiever, or the random dude who hung out with Emo Evan and Vic. Yeah, that was pretty much it. They didn't even remember my name. It was always "Awkward Giraffe" or the generic "Loser".

Teenagers can be so cruel. And let's just say this boy's milkshake did not bring all the girls to the yard either.

It's been two years since high school, and I've long passed those awkward puberty teen years. Right after graduation, my hormones finally stabilized and did me some justice (better late than never), my skin cleared up and my body developed over the summer. I started packing muscles from constantly visiting the gym every week, and I donated all my old clothes to charity, starting fresh.

Only after the change, did I start receiving a considerable amout of attention from the opposite gender. Sure, the first few months were pretty great ; with all the girls fawning over me. But after awhile, I got sick of it.

Girls only dated me solely for my looks, and sadly, most of the girls whom I did go out with, turned out to be completely shallow and empty-headed.

I've changed, but high school never does, doesn't it? I saw the same variety of cliques, dominated by the same type of teenagers, all living in their own little world.

After I was done sending an email to a classmate of mine from college, I looked up again, finding myself groaning inwardly at the sight in front of me.

Courtney, whom I could tell was the queen bee of this small private school, walked towards me from across the parking lot. Her hips sashayed rhythmically as she tossed her shiny long blonde hair over her shoulder, leaving hypnotised boys in her wake. She smiled knowingly to herself, before blowing kisses at a few of them, but otherwise continued her catwalk towards my direction. Great, what does she want now? I groaned.

Just a few steps behind her, trailed another girl who threw off a similar air of authority and confidence, an obvious sign that she was brought up by a well off family.

Unlike Courtney -- who was lapping up all the attention she was getting, suggestively teasing hormonal boys -- the mocha skinned girl kept her gaze on me, refusing to give the bystanders her time of day. Both of their movements seemed to be in sync, and the aura they were radiating made them a force to contend with. A force I'd rather not be in the middle of.

"Hey, Sam!" she greeted, giving me what she probably thought was a seductive sultry smile. To me, it looked like she was high. I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Hello, Courtney," I said, keeping my tone neutral and polite.

"This is Persephone, but you can call her Sephy," she gestured towards the other girl.

"Hello Sephy, nice to meet you, I'm Samuel. You can call me, Sam," I smiled at her politely.

"Isn't his name dreamy?" Courtney quickly whispered to Sephy as she batted her thick mascara coated eyelashes, that looked a lot like spider legs. I suppressed the urge to spray insecticides all over her caked face.

"The pleasure's mine, Samuel. I've heard a lot about you," Sephy said, her smile not reaching her chocolate brown eyes. I couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at her condescending tone.

She gave me a once over, before cooly tossing her curly black hair over her shoulder. She crossed her arms as she regarded me with a guarded expression. What was her problem?

"So, what are you doing here, Sammy?" Courtney purred, taking a small step closer towards me. I stepped back reflexively, but I found myself already backing up against the car. Crap, I'm cornered.

"Well, I'm actually picking up -" I managed to say, before she placed a finger on my lip, shushing me. I stared warily at her long red nails. Those things look like they could kill. I gulped.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you. You're here to pick me up?" flashing me a painfully bright smile. Her teeth look so white in addition to her shiny glossed lips.

"What? No-"

"Aww, Sammy baby, you don't have to deny it anymore. I do wish you could've told me earlier, but I love surprises," her lips curves into a small smile.

"Courtney, I have a girlfriend," I blurted out.

Courtney paused, a look of hurt and surprise fleeting across her face, before she skillfully masked it with a flirtatious expression.

"Really now? Well, just cause there's a goalkeeper, doesn't mean I still can't score."

Before I could say anything, she lightly traced a finger across my chest, inching closer and closer until I felt her pressing herself against me. I widened my eyes, quickly thinking of an escape plan.

I shot a desperate look at Sephy. She sighed knowingly, giving me a sympathetic nod.

"C, we gotta go. You already asked James for a ride. Don't keep him waiting," she said in a gentle voice.

Courtney turned towards her, pouting like a child. "But I wanna ride with Sammy!"

"Courtney..." Her voice taking a stern tone.

Courtney sighed, nodding at Sephy. Before she turned away, she placed her lips close to my ears until I could feel her warm breath. The hair behind my neck prickled, sending goosebumps all over my skin.

"Think about it, Sammy."

Courtney and Sephy turned away from me, sashaying their way across the parking lot again towards a shiny black BMW. Seated in the driver's seat, was a raven-haired pretty boy, glaring angrily at me. I arched an eyebrow. Was it me, or were boys these days looking more and more like girls?

I turned away from them, finding myself staring eye to eye with a stunned wide-eyed Megan. Andy stood behind her like a tall pillar, staring pointedly at me. I could've sworn a satisfied look fleeted his face, but I must've imagined it.

Somehow, I could feel a dark aura radiating from the both of them, threatening to choke me alive with it's tendrils. Now here's another force I'd rather not be in the middle of.

"Hey, guys," I smiled at them, trying to lighten up the mood. They didn't smile back.

"Um, well, let's get in the car, and I'll send you home," I said nervously, fishing out the keys to my car from my pocket. I opened the car door, before stopping mid-way. Both of them were still rooted at their spots.

Andy gave Megan a sideways glance, who refused to look at either of us. "Um, Sam, thanks for coming here and taking your time to give us a ride, but I think we'll be taking the bus home. We both have some errands to run."

"No prob. I could just be your chauffeur while you finish your errands, then I'll send you home," I offered lightly.

Andy widened his eyes in surprise. "You'd really do that?" I shrugged impassively, nodding at him.

"You don't have to."

I snapped my head towards Megan. "Pardon?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, her clear blue eyes changed into an icy shade.

"I said, you don't have to," she repeated, her voice sounding much confident. And angry. I looked at her quizzically.

"I'm sure there wouldn't be space for the both of us, now that you have Courtney hitching a ride with you," she spat, blue eyes staring coldly at me.

"No, that was just a misunderstanding." I raised my hands innocently, approaching her with caution.

"I didn't see you stopping her from feeling you up, mate," Andy pointed out. I glared at him. Idiot was not making the situation any easier.

Megan crossed her arms as she arched a dark brow skeptically. "Yeah, tell me about that, Sammy-baby."

"Look, I was just here, waiting for you guys, when she approached me with her friend, Sephy. I even told her I had a girlfriend, but she was being delusional. She wouldn't take no for an answer." I placed both hands on her shoulders, hoping she could see the honesty in my eyes.

Megan's angry expression wavered for a second. "Well that does sound like Courtney. Deluded and shallow," she muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, she's a bag full of crazy, that one," I grimaced, shuddering inwardly as I'm reminded of her seduction techniques. Megan's lips curved into a small smile, her expression softening into amusement.

I gently tipped her chin upwards, placing a brief peck on her cheek. She immediately brightened up, giving that warm smile of hers. I could feel an odd tugging sensation in my gut, the butterflies that still haven't gone away. I ignored Andy, who made gag noises.

"So, what's it gonna be, love birds? The bus or the car?" Andy piped. He frowned as he gestured towards the darkening sky, filled with graying clouds. "It's about to rain, and I'd hate to ride the bus soaking wet."

"So just get in the car, already," I exclaimed, getting mildly annoyed. Andy narrowed his eyes at me, but otherwise stalked to the car silently, slipping into the back seat.

As I drove both of them home, I noticed Andy sulking at the back seat, frowning throughout the whole journey. Even when I tried making small talk, Andy replied me in a clipped tone. It felt like I was talking to a brick wall.

I pulled the car over in front of their apartment building once we reached Church Street. "Here's your stop."

Andy opened the door, slamming it shut on his way out. He stood by the sidewalk and stalked towards the door, pausing by the steps

"Do you wanna come in for tea?" Megan asked, looking at me hopefully.

"I'd love to, but not today though. I've got assignments to finish back at home," I shrugged. Her smile faltered.

"Oh, okay then. Call me when you reach home kay? Be safe on the road, and thanks for driving us home," she said. I placed a soft lingering kiss on her lips, earning me a small sigh from her.

I grinned at her as she waved at me from the door, stepping in afterwards. I was about to drive off, when Andy knocked on my window. I glanced at him perplexedly as I rolled it down.

Before I could utter a word, Andy interrupted me. "I don't know what game you're playing at, but stay away from her."

"What?" I sputtered, slightly taken aback at his tone. What on earth was he talking about?

"Yeah, you heard me. Don't make me resort to dragging you away by force, cause I can," he seethed, his eyes turning darker.

When I still didn't reply, he sighed. "Don't think I don't know what your type does. You golden boy types."

At that, I couldn't help but get riled up. I stormed out of the car and stood face to face with Andy ; blazing green eyes to stormy gray ones. The atmosphere felt like it dropped below zero, and I wasn't talking about the season nearing winter.

He crossed his arms as he regarded me. I couldn't help but notice how tall he was. Sure we were almost the same height, but from where I was standing -- half-leaning against the car door -- he towered ominously in front of me, looking at me like I was just some bug he couldn't wait to squish out of existence.

And I had a feeling he wouldn't hesitate when the opportunity strikes him.

"You don't know a single thing about me," I admonished.

He laughed humorlessly. "I don't need to. But the thing is, I'm very well acquainted with your type," he shrugged.

I scoffed. "Yeah? Then tell me."

"You rich golden boys, with your big houses and maids at your beck and call. Daddy giving you wads of cash to spend at your will, and an expensive
car as your sweet 16th-" he paused, looking pointedly at my car, making me feel slightly self-conscious.

"See, I don't need to wine and dine you, to know you."

"Gee, if you wanted to know me better, you could've just asked me out on a date like any normal human being," I sneered dryly.

He glared at me, but kept quiet.

I took a step forward, standing upright. "You don't know anything about me, Andy," I hissed, venom seeping into my tone.

He just stood there unfazed. Instead, his lips curved into a sly smile, a satisfied look fleeting across his face from successfully riling me up.

"Like I said, golden boy. I don't need to," he shrugged.

"I know you're used to getting everything handed to you on a silver platter, but I won't repeat this again. Stay. Away. From. Megan. If you think I'm gonna hand her over to you on a diamond encrusted platinum platter -- cause that's what she deserves -- you're wrong. " Andy said, in between jabbing my chest with his finger as he emphasized each sentence.

And just like that, he walked away from me, and into the building, never looking back.

I was too caught up staring at him walking away, to notice I had been curling my hands into a fist almost too tightly. I let go, seeing the colour wash back into my pale palms.

Who was he, to dictate what I could and could not do? It doesn't matter if they were childhood best friends or whatever, but what right did he have to determine who Megan dates?

It absolutely pissed me off to no end when he had the nerve to call me . I've never worked a day in my life? I've been working my ass off to get where I am now. I have part time jobs, I'm swamped with assignments, and I barely have time to myself.

"I'm starting to become more and more a workaholic like my dad," I grimaced at the thought.

I tried ignoring his words echoing at the back of my head once I reached home, but it was like an annoying buzz that would not just disappear.

I was confused as to why his words managed to rile me up so much. I knew that I was completely the opposite of his assumptions, and I shouldn't feel a thing. But something he said, had hit a nerve in my body.

Did I really come off as some "golden boy"? Was that how other people perceived me?

"Snap out of it, Sam. You're not. He's just messing with you," I huffed out, pinching the bridge of my nose from the impending migraine.

For some unknown reason, my gut twisted oddly, leaving me with a sense of anxiety, as if something was wrong. But again, I shrugged off the feeling, thinking nothing of it.

I settled back onto my desk, strewn with piles of papers and books. Looking at the ominous amount of work I had to finish, I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and readied myself for an all-nighter.

Before I could get back to finishing my assignments, my phone rang. Automatically, I answered my phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello, Sam here."

"Sam, there's an emergency," said the voice on the other line in a clipped hushed tone.

"What? Who's this?"

"It's me, Hadley, you dolt! You know, your sister? Don't you ever check your caller ID?!" she hissed. I winced at her sharp tone.

"I do, but I just answered. What's the emergency?"

"Mom's in the hospital," she croaked. In fact, she sounded as if she was choking a sob. My heart immediately dropped.


"You gotta come quick. I'll explain later," she said hurriedly, before hanging up.

I sat there stunned for a moment, staring at the blank home screen of my phone. After processing everything, I bolted down the stairs, grabbing the car keys, my wallet and my coat, then out of the house.

"Please god, let her be okay," I whispered to myself, ignoring the heavy ache in my chest as I walked to my car.

Putting the keys into ignition, I fired up the engine and drove off as fast as I could to the hospital.


Hey guys!

First off, I'm sorry for MIA-ing for a month or so. Like I've said, I've been having mock-exams for the past month, so I couldn't afford to distract myself with thinking of story plots when I have 9 subjects (each having 3 papers!) to study for. My real exams start on the 6th November though, so again, I'll be MIA by then till the 5th December (frikkin long exam, I tell you!)

Anyway, I've already had this chapter drafted and written a long time ago on my iPod, but I felt unsatisfied with how it was, so I kept holding it off and edit-ting it bit by bit.

I already have 2 other chapters waiting to be posted after I'm done editting them. Then, another round of major polishing of the story!

I left Wattpad idle for a month, and I came back, seeing my story already reaching 2.2k reads! My gosh, thank you so much guys for reading my story, voting and adding them to your reading lists. I appreciate every form of support you guys are giving me so much. I wouldn't be where I am without all of your constructive criticisms and feedback, making me a better writer from when I first started. Thank you so so much again!

Any feedback, comments, critiques, anything, is very much welcomed :))

Love, Aymk308.

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