Sodapop Imagine

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I wake up to a loud bang, I slowly open my eyes and look at my clock, 2:30 in the morning. I roll my eyes, my parents are fighting again, I close my eyes again but I hear another bang, this time it's louder. I freeze and wait for more sounds, I hear a slapping sound and jump. My parents fight but it's never resulted to violence, I lay frozen trying to think of something to do, Soda. I throw the covers off me and grab my hoodie and slip it on, I silently open up my bedroom window and crawl out, I shut it behind me and jump down. I land on my feet and look back at my house to see if my parents noticed, once I know that I'm clear I run towards Sodapop's house, he's only two houses down. I walk up the stairs and knock on the door, Soda opens it a minute later with a confused look on his face "(Y/N)? What are you doing here so late?" I must have looked scared 'cause his face turned serious then he pulled me inside. "Are you okay? What happened?" he asks concerned "My parents were fighting again, but they started hitting each other" I said scared "Oh my god, did they touch you?" he starts checking me to look for any bruises. I shake my head and try to calm down, "I don't mean to be a bother but could I stay here tonight? I could sleep on the couch" I suggest, Soda smiles warmly at me making my heart flutter "Of course you can, but no way you're sleeping on the couch" I give him a confused look "Pony made a new friend at school so he's over at his house, therefore you can sleep with me" I blush madly, he wants me to sleep with him!? The Curtis brother's and I have been neighbors since Sodapop and I were kids, we grew up best friends and we still are, only I want to be more. But with all the girls that cling on to him I doubt he even notices me like that, "I can sleep on the couch, I'll be fine" he brushes me off then pulls me upstairs with him "It'll be like a sleepover" Sodapop laughs happily. I grin at his childishness, he closes the door behind him then plops down on the bed, I stand there awkwardly and he laughs then pats the spot next to him "I don't bite" he says. I hesitate then walk over and lay down next to him, it's silent for a while before he breaks it "Why are you being so weird about this? We've known each other since we were kids" he says then looks at me, I look at him then quickly look at the ceiling "Yeah but we've never slept in the same bed before" I mutter and silently wish for this conversation to be over. "If you're worried about me trying something I wont, I'm not that type of person" I sigh, I wish he would. It's silent for another minute before he speaks up again "So I kind of need a girls advice on this" "And what's that?" "Well I like this girl" oh you hear that sound? yeah that's the sound of my heart shattering. "Wait no, I think I love her" oh sure, sugarcoat it why don't you. "But I don't know how to tell her". I hold back the tears and I'm unable to look at him "You should tell her" I say and feel my heart in my throat, he pulls my chin so that I'm looking at him and he searches my eyes "Are you okay?" he asks with slight worry in his voice, "Yeah, perfectly fine" I lie. I roll on my side facing away from him and I feel some tears fall down my cheeks, "Gosh if you saw her you'd realize why I love her, the ways her eyes light up when she smiles, how her nose scrunches up when she laughs. Golly she's perfect" he sighs in admiration, I'd only wish he'd think of me that way, "And how-" I cut him off "I can't listen anymore!" I slide off the bed and start walking towards the door "don't you see that I'm in love with you!? It hurts when you talk about someone else" a few more tears fall down my face and I open the door "You" he says, what did he say? I look back at him dumbfounded "Huh?" "You, I'm talking about you" he repeats. He gets off the bed and walks over to me, he wipes my tears away with his thumb "I've been meaning to tell you for a while but I haven't gotten around to it" I'm at a loss for words "B-But what about those pretty girls that come down to the station?" He laughs then shakes his head "They don't hold a candle to you" he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear "(Y/N) I have loved you since we were kids, everyday I've thought about you and what it'd be like to date you" he places his hands lightly on my waist "to hold you" he leans down till he's only an inch from my lips "to kiss you". He places his lips onto mine and a warm tingly feeling rushes through my body, I kiss back and I feel him smile. He pulls away with a movie star grin plastered onto his face "Will you be mine?" he asks sweetly, I grin back and nod. His entire face lights up and he laughs happily, he picks me up and spins me around "Sodapop put me down!" I giggle, he sets me down lightly and kisses me again. He pulls me back onto the bed and wraps his arms tightly around me "You don't understand how long I've wanted to do this" he mumbles into my hair. I blush and can't control the smile that springs onto my face "Goodnight Sodapop" I giggle "Goodnight Sweetheart" he kisses my cheek then we both fall asleep.

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