Dallas imagine

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I look at Dally and see he's now on his 6th beer, I roll my eyes and slide off the bar stool I was sitting on. Just another night for Dally, I'm sick and tired of sitting around and waiting for Dally to get drunk just so I can be the designated driver. I grab my purse and hand the bartender a twenty "You're not staying late?" he asks me confused, that's really sad that he knows me so well. "I'm tired, I think I'm just gonna head home" I smile sadly and nod, I'm not completely lying, but whatever. "Alright, see you next weekend" he says, I flinch at that, he says it every time Dallas and I leave this place. "Yeah..." I mutter. I walk outside the bar and wrap my coat tighter around me, "(Y/N)!? What'd you thing yer doin'?" I hear someone slur behind me, I turn around and see Dally trying to walk over to me, he's so drunk he's tripping over his own two feet "Dal I'm done, find someone else to drive you home" I say irritated and turn around "What'dyamean?" Dal slurs then grabs my arm "No, Dallas! I'm done, I'm sick and tired of just being used for a ride, this is not how you treat your girlfriend" I say angrily. "I don't know what ya mean" Dallas wraps an arm around me and tries to kiss me, "Leave me alone, Dallas, we'll have this discussion when you're sober. If that ever happens" I spit at him. I turn around and walk down the sidewalk away from Dallas, honestly I'm fuming at this point. I'm just being used, I hate this feeling. 

I feel something grab my arm roughly then shove me into the alley next to me, these aren't Dally's hands, no matter how Dallas acts, his hands are always soft with me. I look up and see a couple of Soc's, oh shit. "Give us all of your shit" one of the Soc's says, "Get out of my way" I say sternly, Dallas handles all of the Soc's, this is my first time being alone. All three of them laugh "Yeah? And what are you going to do?". I may be a girl, but that doesn't mean that I'm not tough, I'm a Greaser after all. "Walk away now" I say with gritted teeth, I'm beyond angry at this point, but I don't want to be in a fight. One of the Soc's suddenly snaps and bunches me in the jaw, I gasp and stumble back "We said 'give us all of your shit' so fucking do it Greaser" the one who punches me seethes with anger. I scream and lunge at him, like Dallas taught me, go for the eyes and never stop punching until they're down. I grab his hair with one hand while I punch him in the nose with my other.

One of the Soc's kicks me in the ribs knocking me on my side, I groan in agony. I try to push my self up but one of them puts their foot on top of my chest, god I'm done for. "Get off of her" I hear someone yell sternly, I lift my head up to see who's voice it belonged to. It's Dallas? He stands a few feet away from me with his fists clenched, "Get away from who? Her?" the one who has his foot on me asks, he then kicks me in the head. Not hard enough to damage anything, but enough to make my vision blur. "You're dead" Dally says in a cruel, mean voice that makes my bones shake. Dallas lunges at the Soc's and violently kicks and punches all of them, I sit up and push myself away from them frantically. I hear bones crack, blood goes everywhere, two of them are unconscious, or dead, I honestly don't know. Dallas keeps repeatedly hitting the last Soc in the stomach, he looks horrible. His nose is clearly broken, I'm sure his ribs are as well, he has two black eyes along with a busted up lip. "Touch her, or even come near her and I won't let you leave alive, you hear?" the Soc looks horrified "But y-you killed my friends" the guy croaks. 

I look back down at the two Soc's horrified, I notice now that their chests don't move, their eyes are stuck open. I guess they really are dead, "Yeah well, do you want to end up like them?" Dallas asks the panicked Soc, he shakes his head frantically "Then beat it!" Dal yells, he throws the Soc down the alley. The Soc limps away from us without even glancing back. Dallas starts to walk towards me, but I quickly move back away from him "(Y/N)?" He looks confused, I shake my head "D-Don't come near me" I say in a shaky voice. I've never once been scared of Dallas, but as of right now I'm petrified. I've never seen him be so aggressive, let alone kill people before, I know he has but seeing it in person... it's indescribable. "Y-You killed them" I lick my lips, my throats dry. His eyes turn sympathetic and his mouth opens to say something, but he can't think of anything. "Why?" I whisper, he takes a step towards me, I hold my arms out signaling for him to stop, he does. He sighs and sits down against the wall across from me, "I haven't been honest with you, babygirl" my heart always fluttered when he called me that, but as of right now I feel nothing. "I've never given you the attention you deserved, I always acted as if I didn't care, I know that hurt you but I had to" he says still somewhat out of breath. "You had to?" I ask confused "I have an image to uphold, I'm supposed to be closed, hard shelled, but you..." he chuckles "you knocked down every wall, you opened up my heart, you showed me feelings that I didn't even know where possible to feel" he looks into my eyes and smiles. 

"But I couldn't just be open about everything, I felt that if I did people would look at me as if I was weak, not fit to be a leader" he sighs "I don't care now, I can't act like that anymore. I-I love you, (Y/N). God I wish I could scream that from the top of my lungs" I let out a few tears, my heart swelling at his words. He scoots over to me and wipes away my tears, "I've always loved you, since the first day I met you. When you were wearing that beautiful red strapless dress, you captivated everyone's gaze in the room" I smile and look down with a major blush creeping on my face. He tilts my head up and makes me look into his eyes, he stares at me with pure love in his eyes "No matter how hard I try, I can't get you off my mind. I fucking love you, babygirl" He whispers. I close my eyes as he presses his lips against mine, he's always been a good kisser, making out is our favorite thing to do, but this... this was magical. 

I felt this kiss all throughout my body, my heart was beating way faster than it should. He gently picks me up then sets me on my feet, "I'm sorry you had to see that" he mumbles when he pulls away. "You we're just protecting me, I know that now" Dal nods then kisses me again. It's short but sweet. "Let's go home baby, I want to show you just how much I love you" Dallas whispers in my ear, a shiver runs down my spine. I smile slightly and nod, Dallas grabs my hand and leads me back home, he pulls my hand up to his mouth and kisses it "I love you" he says for the fourth time that day, "I love you too Dallas" I beam up at him. He leans down and kisses me swiftly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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