Chapter Three

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Living A Lie

Flight FY207 left Gatwick on time, without Molly and James, but due to a technical problem with the wings returned to the airport after 30 minutes. The passengers grumbled as a plane would not be available until the next day.

Although Molly objected, James insisted a doctor be called to examine her in the first aid room at the airport. The doctor advised them she was suffering from stress, but if she felt well enough to travel the holiday may be beneficial, and he gave her some Valium tablets to take away.

While they waited for the next flight, James booked two rooms in the adjoining Hotel and encouraged her to take a Valium and rest on the bed.  He sat reading a book.  Molly felt uneasy and she wondered how she would cope, being in such close proximity to him, for two whole weeks.

At 9.30 am the next morning, they boarded the plane.  James stowed their hand luggage in the overhead compartment and they sat down next to one another, James occupying the window seat.

"I haven't flown before" said Molly, picking up the safety card from the seat pocket.  James glanced at her, his eyes full of concern.  "Why didn't you tell me?"  Molly said nothing.  How she wished he wouldn't fuss! When no one came to take the aisle seat she moved into it, on the pretext of needing more elbow room.

By the time they reached the Five Star Hotel on Tenerife, her head was throbbing. They made their way to the Reception desk and waited in a queue. As James signed in, he joked with the receptionist.

A tall young man with black, curly hair led them to their apartment on the fourth floor. He showed them a modern lounge, two huge bathrooms, then three comfortable bedrooms, the patio doors of which he opened onto a large terrace, where stood a selection of pot plants and a table with six chairs. Before the young man left, James gave him a bank note from his pocket.

Leaning against the wall on the terrace, Molly was met by the fresh smell of foliage and flowers. The view was stunning.  It was now late evening and a cool, gentle breeze ruffled her auburn hair as she looked down across the Hotel grounds, where lights twinkled in the darkness and out towards the ocean.  Waves were breaking lightly on the shore.  All was peace and enchantment. James came and stood by her side and in the growing darkness they watched the moon play upon the water.

Momentarily, Molly was flooded through with such tranquillity that she forgot it was James standing next to her, not Paul, and was about to throw her arms around him and say "Oh darling, it's wonderful" when she realised her mistake.  James didn't appear to notice and was looking away into the distance.

Now, he turned towards her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay, but I'm ready for bed."

"Would you like something to eat?"

"No, but I'd like a drink."

"There's a bar in the lounge, let's go and look."

In the lounge, James poured a glass of apple juice.

"I've put your cases in the blue bedroom Molly. You like blue don't you?"

He paused, then added "Are you sure you're all right, you still look very pale?"

As he handed her the glass of juice, she saw once again deep concern in his eyes.

"I'll be fine after a good night's sleep" she replied.

Sighing, she sank into the nearest chair. There was something she needed to say. She drank a little juice then placed the glass on the side table.

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