Chapter Five

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Living A Lie

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr Radnege, but you do have to go home, we can't keep you here any longer," said Dr Brown sarcastically as she placed the clipboard back onto the end of the bed. Molly was sitting on a chair by James bedside. The deep cut on his forehead had required six stitches and he had a black eye.

"I still can't believe it" he said.

"That we'll let you go home?" asked Dr Brown, raising her bushy eyebrows.

"No, that I didn't have a heart attack, I've never felt such pain."

"Well, indigestion can be very painful."

"I feel like a fraud."

"Just be thankful it wasn't a heart attack. Goodbye, Mr Radnege."

Dr Brown offered a firm handshake.

"I hope I don't see you here again, if you get my meaning. Must get on....lots to do..." she muttered and left the room. James laughed loudly. "Not her favourite patient" he said as he climbed out of bed. Molly stood up smiling and handed him a bag of his clothes.

"I'm not sure she would have one."

"I can't wait to get home" said James reaching into the bag. "The food was awful and that a rock!"

As he removed his pyjama top and pulled on a T-shirt, Molly said "I'll wait outside."

Standing in the corridor of the private hospital, she gazed distractedly out of the window and was silently thankful that he hadn't died. What would she do without him? She knew now without a doubt that she loved him, the feelings having crept slowly up on her, little by little.

* * * * * * * *

It was with some surprise that Molly passed her theory test and then by the middle of April, her driving test. At first, driving the new car made her feel uneasy, but she soon gained confidence and enjoyed driving on her own. James said, cracking a joke as usual, it didn't matter if she pranged the car as long as she kept herself safe.

One sunny morning at the end of April, James walked into the kitchen and smiled his wide, boyish smile. Molly's heart skipped a beat.

"Fruit for breakfast?" he asked.

"I thought we'd try to eat more healthily." she replied, trying to ignore her feelings.

He sat down at his place. Molly poured their tea and he sugared his cup. She sat down opposite him.

"We seem to get through an awful lot of sugar. It's not good for you, is it?"

"It's not good for you either Molly, what are you going to do about it?" he laughed.

"I meant it's not good for anybody, not good for us."

He was in one of his 'jokey' moods this morning, when everything she said would be turned on it's head and it left her feeling frustrated, the more so because he was so attractive in this mood, his eyes sparkling..........and that confounded dimple in his chin!

She finished her breakfast, quietly. He ate a hearty breakfast and then walked into the hall. Molly followed him, wishing to wave him off. Taking his overcoat from the hallstand he put it on, then turned to face her. He stepped towards her, his eyes dark and frowning. He was so close she could feel his breath on her face.

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