I can

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I can.

People keep on telling me I can't do it

Just have to keep quiet and sit

Wanna speak out even just a little bit

Wanna show you that in this world, I fit

No more looking down on the ground

Won't keep quiet and now I'll make a sound

I can soar, I can roar

I can make all my dreams come true

I can see it, I can do it

I'll give all the love I have for you

Yeah, keep telling me that I can't

And I'll keep showing I can

My heart and my soul won't bent

I'll prove to you that when you said I can't, I can

Now I am makin a noise

Everyone will hear my voice

And singing is my choice

-M Agapito

September 1 2015

Just PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon