Chapter Four

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Crossfit is hard, very hard. Each work out of the day would knock me on my ass and do not even get me started on leg day. The day after leg day, my legs feel like jello. I, along with everyone else who will be doing this assignment is on the Paleo diet and those not involved are eating Paleo diet forbidden foods in front of us who will be doing the assignment. Even Liz is being evil, she eats peanut butter cups in front of me all of the time. Finally, I had enough. I grabbed the package and threw it in the trash.

"Liz, if I have to suffer then you have to suffer too."

The Houston FBI group who will be in on the assignment will be Trotter, Lisht, Reed, O'Neil, and myself. We are the ones with military experience. I am also glad my father and brother went back home last week because the two of them were driving me insane.

While the preparations for the hardest assignment that I will ever receive, I had a new case that I will be working with Liz. There is a serial killer going after male prostitutes and dumping their bodies in the wards. So far, there are six dead.

"So Liz, off to make a notification. It always sucks to have to inform victims families." Liz rolled her eyes at me. "So, where are we heading?"

"New Orleans, it is not that far from here. Our victim's parents live there. You know many prostitutes, male or female are transient. It's a good thing that our victim has family close enough that we can talk to them easily."

The address that was given is a New Orleans mansion. I rang the doorbell "Junior Agent Pejic, Junior Agent Ponder; FBI. May we come in?"

The man nodded and he looked worried. Once Liz and I were seated in the living room, a woman came down. "It's my son Peter, isn't it? Damn it, I knew what he was doing was going to get him killed."

"You knew of his activities?"

One thing I know is to use tact when speaking to people "Yes, him being a prostitute he claimed was going to give him enough money to give him the lifestyle he dreamed of on his own. He liked all of the sex too."

Liz could see where this was going. "Do you know if your son was in a relationship with anyone or any recent breakups?"

Richard, the father of Peter seemed to think about it for a moment. "Jackson, the two of them had been together for the last eighteen months. Jackson had been a freeloader and Peter recently dumped him. Peter took out a restraining order against Jackson because he was beating Peter. Please, find who did this to my son. I don't have much time left and I can not go to my grave without seeing justice."

You could look at the man and you knew he is sick, he looks like he has cancer. "We will do all that we can."

On the way back to Houston, Liz picked up on what was said when talking to the victim's family. "That makes it the fourth victim who came from means. I would look at men who want to be arm candy to the rich."

She did have a point. Once we were back in Houston, there was a map connecting all of the victims and where they were found is close together. Reed took a look "There are plenty of shops in the area. The victims were dumped near where the perpetrator works. I know it is also a hot bed for prostitution."

The autopsy report came back. "Peter was poisoned before he was stabbed. "

There would be a stake out to watch this part of the wards, not to mention Backpage is under examination by the computer geniuses in forensics to see if any of them advertised their services there or even Craigslist. There are still ways for escorts to advertise their services.

Hopefully with serial killer on the loose, talking to the people who frequent Houston's gay clubs might turn up leads. Someone always sees something or knows something even if they think it is trivial. One tiny piece of a lead can always blow a case wide open.

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