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the boy holds the girl's phone in his hand, clutching it until his knuckles turn white. he was going to the bus station to see the bus times. two buses only ever came through this station, it couldn't be that hard. there was picture of her on the lock screen if he needed it, surely it wouldn't be too complicated, or so he thought.

both buses departed from the station within a few minutes of each other; he didn't know which bus she would've got on. the boy decided to try his luck and get on the bus that went to the nicer part of town. the logic behind his thought was that she was wearing nice looking clothes, she must be rich.

he got on the bus and got an all day pass; it could take a while. every stop that went through the town centre and the markets, he stopped and looked around but the girl wasn't anywhere to be found.

the boy was desperate and at his last stop, the clothes market in the midst of the rich, suburban town. he got off the bus and thanked the driver with a mumble and a nod. with haste, he walked towards the nearest stall, hats and scarves hanging on hooks.

"i'm sorry to bother you," he starts, showing the old lady on the stall the lock screen, "do you know this girl? i have her phone and really need to get it back to her."

"oh, that's reese! lovely girl. she comes here every once in a while to sell, always gives me the odd trinket. her brother does too, nasty piece of work he is though. he can be a nice boy, just mixed up with drugs. can't help but feel sorry for him," she rambles, her words seeming to have no end.

"do you know where i can find reese?" the boy asks, desperate to get to the point.

"sorry love, i only know her name. she's very secretive."

the boy's heart sinks. he'll never find her.

but then the old lady says something that immediately picks up his spirits, "but from what i gather, her best friend works over on that stall."

he follows where the woman is pointing to see a well dressed girl, almost drowning in a pile of dresses and skirts.

things were starting to look up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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