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I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my entire life. I know that probably sounds really cheesy and stupid but it's true. I left the bathroom stall where I was hiding and headed to go find Elena in the lunchroom. Hopefully this goes well and I don't make a complete fool of myself. 

"Hey Damon," Bonnie says. Bonnie was one of the only nice girls at school. I didn't really talk to her that much but she would say hi to me in the hallways, which was nice because nobody else did. 

"Elena, Damon. Damon, Elena." Bonnie introduced the two of us and it was amazing. Yes I was sweating like I just ran 3 marathons but it's ok because I was finally talking to Elena. 

"Hi, nice to m-meet you." Elena stutters in the cutest way possible.

"Nice to meet you too." 

I want to ask her if she wants me to show her around town. I've never asked a girl out before so I have no clue what I'm supposed to say. Am I supposed to give some cheesy pick up line and then ask her out? Or do I just say like "hey girl, you, me, coffee after school." Nope that sounds too douchey, you know what screw it I'm just gonna get to the point and ask her out straight up.

"Hey, um, Elena?" 


"Did you maybe wanna go get of coffee after school and I can show you around town?" 

"Bonnie and I were planning on going to the mo-" 

Bonnie interrupted Elena before she could finish. I could tell she knew that I was falling head over heels for Elena. 

"No, Elena, you go have some fun, we can go to the movies some other time." 

"Ok, then sure, meet me by the office at the end of the day?" 

"Sure, can't wait" 

Holy shit. I just asked a girl out and she actually said yes. 


I probably looked at the clock about 30 times in every class. Finally the last class ended and I went to the office to meet Elena. There she was, standing outside the office doors. Hanging over one shoulder was a little brown leather purse with books and papers flowing out of every little nook. I wave to her and she replies with a shy smile that says; "Hey, I'm really nervous, but also excited," and it was the most adorable thing. 



It wasn't much but at least I talked to her without forgetting how to form a sentence and sounding like an idiot. We went to the closest Starbucks and luckily nobody from school was there, so we could just talk without worrying about people making fun of us. I ordered a regular black cup of coffee and Elena ordered a vanilla and caramel latte. We sat at a little table in the corner of the shop. For a while we awkwardly sat there drinking our coffee until I finally started a conversation.

"So why did you decide to come to Greenwich?" 

"Oh, well I used to live in Virginia, but then my dad got this really good job offer here in Philly so we moved." 

"That's cool. Well I'm glad you decided to move here."

Why did I just say that. What the hell is wrong with me. That was probably way to forward, she probably thinks I'm a weirdo. Ugh I'm such an idiot. 

Elena ignored what I said and changed the subject. We sat there for 2 more hours, just talking. We talked about what we wanted to do when we're older, and practically our whole life story. I don't think I've ever met someone as interesting, beautiful, and kind as her in my entire life. She really is amazing. 

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