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So my first ever rant on here is going to be about shitheads who enjoy making fun of other people's weight.

I'm fully aware that I'm not a skinny person, there is no need to tell me, but the thing is that no one has ever actually made fun of my weight. I'm just the kind of person who gets along with everyone, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't annoy me when people make fun of other people's weight.

One of my very good friends is a beautiful girl with an amazing body, and even though she isn't the skinniest person you'll find, she's not anywhere near being obese or anything like that. She's tall, pretty, and has a great body, and yet some assholes in our class love to make fun of her weight. She's way skinnier than me, so why don't they make fun of me? Why her? It's just simply because they are grade ten assholes.

They call her stuff like whale and unnecessary shit like that, and it annoys me beyond compare! She's a beautiful human being and you have no fucking right to make fun of her just because you have nothing better to do with your life. If you need to mock of her in order to have fun, you need to make some serious changes in your life, because no one likes those kinds of people. You're all just major assholes.

One thing is if someone just thinks it, but never says it out loud. You can't blame someone for thinking something, we've all judged someone in our thoughts at one point, but when you actually say it out loud to the person in a very rude way, you may go fuck yourself, sir/ma'am. I don't care who you are, whether you're the most powerful person on earth or someone random on the street, you have absolutely no right to make fun of someone simply to hurt their feelings. And this is where the problem comes in. Feelings.

It seems like some people don't even have that word in their vocabulary. They don't understand how some simple words can hurt someone so much, how words can actually be worse than those sticks and stones they talk about. If you see someone with a broken leg, your first instinct isn't to go right over and kick them in the leg, right? So why would your first instinct be to talk shit about someone in front of them, trying to point out all the flaws those people probably already know about? Because we know that we're not the skinniest people, we know that we don't have thigh gaps, so why do you feel the need to point it out every single day? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Do you get a good laugh out of it? Do you even feel slightly guilty afterwards?

Because if you don't, I (and probably many other people) don't want anything to do with you. You can keep your thoughts to yourself, we're all better off that way.

I don't even know if half of this makes sense, it's 12 am on a school night and I'm kinda tired, so I apologize if this doesn't make any sense of something...

Anyways, what are your opinions on this topic? Feel free to share your opinions, just no fighting, I have enough drama in my life as it is. Oh and the next update will probably come tomorrow and be about people who constantly point out other people's flaws, and it will probably be a lot of the same stuff as in this chapter, but I still feel like I need to make an own chapter about it bc that's something I struggle with personally, so yeah...

ily guys

- Kimi

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