Lolita 2

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"I don't like boys. "

Lolita rolled her eyes behind her bright pink shades, she followed close behind as he mother droned on about her having good manners. "I mean it, Lola. Be nice to these people, they're new to the neighborhood and we want to give them a good impression. "

The only way I'd actually be nice to someone is if they're good looking enough Lolita thought , her strides soon began to match her mother's as they approached the house. It was a beautiful house, almost as big as Lolita's probably the same size.

Her mother rang the doorbell to the luxurious house while scolding her daughter telling her to take off her sunglasses. Lolita slowly took them off and folded them in her hands, she straighten her posture as she heard the door unlock.

"Hello, how may I help you?" an older woman with brownish hair, large lips and deep wrinkles appeared with a faint smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Dian and this is my daughter Lola." Lolita gave a polite wave and smile, although she didn't want to be here. " We're your neighbors and we just decided to come over to say hello."

"Oh! Hello I'm Hailey bieber, would you like to come in?" Hailey offered, Dian declined but she insisted that her and her daughter should come meet the rest of the family. Lolita wanted nothing more than to go into her room or go hang out in her backyard, to probably get a darker tan or smoke.

But of course, her mother gave in and now here they were in the living room of the bieber's home, Hailey yelling for her kids to come down. Lolita sat on the crisp white couch with her legs crossed over one another, taking in the decorations in the lovely home. She could tell that this family had money, lolita wondered what the hell Hailey's husband did for a living. Suddenly There was a loud tumble followed by yelling from the staircase.

"Boys!" Hailey scolded then sent an apologetic smile our way right before walking over to the staircase. "behave, we have guests!" the three boys instantly straightened up once they saw Dian and Lolita perched on the couch, their eyes mainly on the dark haired beauty who wore thigh socks and a fairly short skirt. "These are my boys, Mason, Jake, and Christopher. You'll meet my husband in a few moments, he's out with his brother and a few friends."

The three boys walked around and sat on the couch, next to their mother. Mason, the oldest one out of the trio, smirked at Lolita who didn't pay any attention to the boy. Lolita didn't like boys. But Mason was determined to talk to Lolita, alone.

"Boys, how bout you show Lola here, the garden?" Hailey suggested, glancing at Lolita and the boys. "Your mother tells me you like flowers, eh?"

"I love flowers and I would love to see your garden." Lolita spoke up for the first time since the boys have been down stairs , Christopher, the middle child loved the sound of her voice already. "Boys? Lead the way."

They all scrambled to get up , pushing and shoving each other; all three of them wanting to lead the way for Lolita, who happened to be following behind with a smirk on her face. Pathetic boys, she thought while shaking her head.

"This is my mother's garden," Mason spoke to Lolita while trying to shove Christopher and Jake out of the way. Lolita giggled quietly and walked in front of them, taking in the sight of the flowers which varied. There were more exotic flowers, ones she only dreamed of having, and basic flowers; the ones her mother possessed.

"Gorgeous, " she said, impressed with Mrs.Bieber's garden. The woman could had a lot of time on her hands, but then again, she probably hired someone to plant them for her. Hailey didn't seem like a house wife, only a woman who had too much plastic surgery done in her 20s and it was coming to bite her in the ass now. Lolita walked further into the garden so she was away from the house, the boys followed behind her like lost puppies.

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