Lolita 12

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"Sweetheart, you can't keep neglecting me."

      It was the hottest day of the last week of summer, over at the Bieber residents Hailey prepared the house for an important barbeque. With the food being cooked and her husband in the back trying to work the grill, she was content. Her sons were in the back already, and even some of her family was there already. Her mother in particular, who had been a pain to Justin since she arrived a few days ago.

     First, it started with her nagging to him about how much time he spent in his work more than with his family, which wasn't exactly true. Lately, Justin had been out of work and at home, he concluded that the woman was just bitter and wanted something to nag about. But the only he knew why he really stayed home; to be around Lolita.

          He wouldn't even tell Lolita herself that, Justin wasn't going to admit that the seventeen year old had now effected him mentally. It was evident now since she went out with his son, he was constantly thinking of her, wondered what she did that night or any other night. Justin had even asked Mason what happened between the two, trying not to sound too pushy but he got his answer when he only smiled goofily with low eyes and replied "Excellent"

       Since then, Lolita had barely texted him or spoke to him, spending most of her time with Mason (who didn't mind at all.) Leaving Mr. Bieber to wonder what he has done wrong to have her paying less attention to him, it nearly drove him crazy wondering. Justin didn't want to bombard her with an endless heap of calls and text, he felt that it would only push her away. 

Of course.

        That was why he was using the annual end of the summer barbeque as an excuse to see her, Hailey had obviously invited the Haze women and the few weeks he's known Dian; he knew she wouldn't miss this opportunity to mingle and enjoy festivities. Besides that, Hailey had told Dian about the good looking, older, single cousins that Justin had. Even shamefully admitting to swooning over one of them.


      Besides the obvious matchmaking that would be taking place, Mr. Bieber was planning to confront the young girl; would he do it politely? Not by a long shot, but it he wouldn't do it harshly either. He would calmly speak with her, question her, and even kiss her; Justin had been yearning for her lips for days.

        Lolita on the other hand, despite spending late nights out with Mason, had been missing Justin herself. Though, she hasn't acted on it, she wanted so badly to pick up her phone and send him a few texts. But Mason always hovered, it had been hard to text his father while he was around because he would ask questions. Lolita and Mason weren't even in a relationship, she wasn't sure why it bothered him when other guys flirted with her and vice versa.

       It was almost hard for Lolita to get a simple number with out Mason stepping in or questioning her. That bothered her, of course she had started to crush on Mason after their date, but she didn't want him to be so possessive. Mason often showed that side of him, wrapping his arms around her waist whenever someone was watching, asking her personal questions; things she didn't like one bit.

       Other than that, he had been wonderful  company for her. With his advice for her senior year of high school and applying for colleges, Mason was becoming more of a counselor for her and she appreciated that. Lolita needed the help with looking into colleges and applying for them, since she had no idea what she was doing. She was glad to have mason who was already in college, attending UCLA; her dream school. Lolita hadn't been aware of the fact that she was so close to graduating and leaving her mother, her senior year of high school. She had many decisions to make for herself in the next few months, decisions that could possibly effect her future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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