Lolita 9

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"You know how wrong this is, but you still want to fùck me."

Justin was alone in his home office, attempting to catch up on work that he missed out on the last few days. Since his focus was else where, he was behind but even if he did attempt to catch up one thing would distract him; Lolita. He wondered what she was up to, since her departure yesterday evening, he felt different. Almost empty, the sound of her giggles were no longer being heard from down the hall, she wasn't in his wife's garden or swaying her hips as she walked through the corridors.

He missed her

He missed the way her cheeks would be graced with a slight blush if his eyes lingered on her lips a second too long, he missed the sound of her voice as it would carry through the house whenever she spoke to his sons. And although she had only discovered the library a few days before her departure, he still missed watching her cooped up with a novel biting her lip as her eyes scanned pages; he didn't mind watching her though, but he did mind that she was occupying his thoughts when she wasn't even present. He was up to his neck on work, and all he wanted to do was walk next door and see Lolita. Justin was willing to lie and make up an excuse to see the young girl, it was that bad.

Justin angrily clicked the keys on his laptop, "Fucking Lolita, " he cursed under his breath when he realized that he hadn't gotten that far when it came to constructing the blue print for his next project. His screen was empty, but his thoughts weren't, this wasn't like him. Justin was the type to take business before he enjoyed his pleasures, now wasn't the case.

Instead, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and scrolled through the contact list. Justin never tried to text her until now, he easily found her contact because there was no name just the letter L and a few cherries next to her name. He chuckled, Lolita did remind him of cherries, sweet sweet cherries like the taste of her lips and probably the taste of her other lips.

Just the thought made his cock twitch

He shook his head in an attempt to rid his thoughts then focused his attention back on his phone, shifting slightly in his chair due to the uncomfortable situation in his pants. Justin stared at the blinking curser that would send a message for him, he just didn't know what to type. His large fist balled up as he brought it up to his chin, Justin was over thinking. He didn't know what to say;




There were so many ways to greet her, he just didn't know which one to choose. In his mind, hey made him sound like a desperate young boy, hi made him sound like a stiff, and hello made him sound like an old man. He wasn't that much of an old man, thirty eight wasn't old. He decided without thinking over, Justin fingers began to move over the screen and before he could stop himself he sent the message to her.

I miss you, Lolita.

Justin groaned as he realized what he had just sent, it being the stupidest thing so he thought. He angrily ran his fingers through his hair, which was probably a mess since he'd been tugging at it since he stepped foot in his home. Justin felt like an idiot, a desperate idiot, an old desperate idiot. He could just sit there in self hatred - or he could text her back with a short and simple I didn't mean that or autocorrect, my apologies.

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