chapter eight.

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 "Aye, Barns!" a voice yells, making me look up from the wood I'm loading into a cart. It's William, one of my father's old friends, whom I've known since I was little. He comes towards me, exiting the lumber mill where I usually work alongside him.

"What?" I ask, brushing flecks of dirt off my hands. The sun beats down on my back, harsh and hot. After living in the heat of the Stilts for nineteen solid years, you'd think I'd be used to it, but it still burns, covering my skin in a sheen of sweat.

"You're needed up at Nolle's place," he tells me, his voice lilting in his rough Harbor Bay accent.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow, surprise running through me. Why would I have to go there?

"Lord Nolle-" he says the title sarcastically, "-seems to need some firewood delivered to keep his dear little ones warm."

"Okay, then." I straighten, pulling a hand through my hair in an attempt to make it look a little less messy.

"You know the way there?" William asks. I nod in response. "I've been by there before."

"Well, then, you'd better get going. Mind you don't piss off the Silvers, lad." He grins at me, but it isn't a happy expression. "Your sisters wouldn't be too pleased if you came back fried to bits or torn apart, now would they?"

I swallow a sharp retort. William's words aren't the kindest, and he's developed a bitter sense of humour ever since he returned from the war and lost almost everyone he loved, but he's done a lot for our family as well, providing for us and helping us after both my parents died. Still, the words sting. "Will do," I respond. With a final nod of farewell, I turn and start to trudge towards the Nolles' village home.

When I finally arrive, I spend a good few minutes just looking at the house. It's huge by Stilts standards, with three levels, made of fancy red bricks, and even surrounded by a garden full of flowers. My whole house could probably fit in one corner of the garden. And this isn't even Lord Nolle's proper home.

I shake my head as I approach. Silvers don't know how lucky they are.

It doesn't take me long to find some other boys around my age, carrying firewood into the house, and I join them. The inside of the house is even more impressive than the outside, filled with richly patterned carpets and plush couches, decorated in deep shades of red. A single large chandelier hangs above us, throwing speckles of light bright as diamonds against the walls. The fireplace is gigantic -you could probably fit five of our own inside. Zavier Barns inside the Nolles' house. Who would've ever thought? Wait till Hannah hears about this.

It takes a long time to get all the firewood into the fireplace. I spend at least an hour trekking back and forth between the pile outside and the living room of the house, being very careful not to step on anything I'm not supposed to or drop dirt anywhere. William's earlier words ring in my mind. Mind you don't piss off the Silvers, lad. Your sisters wouldn't be too pleased if you came back fried to bits or torn apart, now would they?

I'm heading outside to collect the last of the firewood -all the other boys left after I assured them I could finish up- when I collide with something -or rather, someone. I've been looking at the ground, and not at what's in front of me, so I have to look up to see who I've stumbled into.

When I do, I feel my heart drop and jolt all at the same time.

Stepping back from me is the Nolle girl I saw yesterday, the one Hannah thought was a princess. Brenna, her father called her. Today, she doesn't look quite so ladylike and intimidating as yesterday. Her hair is down, falling in soft, silky blond waves, with a single braid woven through it and pinned to the back of her head. Her face seems free of makeup, and her long gown is gone, replaced by a knee-length, fluttery dress in a pretty shade of yellow. She looks younger, much more approachable, but just as pretty as before.

I can't stop staring.

Get a hold of yourself, Zavier! my mind scolds. I step back from her, finding my voice. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going-" I clear my throat, realizing I should address her more respectfully. "I apologize, my lady."

A few beats of silence fill the air before she speaks, surprising me –I'd expected her to have sneered and swept past me by now. Her voice is soft and quiet, and not at all like what I'd expect a Silver to sound like. "That's alright," she tells me. I glance up at her and see her long eyelashes fluttering as she looks up to meet my eyes. The shyness in her gaze is both shocking and extremely endearing. "No harm done. And, um-" She bites her lip, drawing my gaze down to her mouth before I force it back up. "You don't have to call me that."

Before I can formulate a response, the voice of her father calls out as he enters the room. "Are those servants still here?"

I freeze. This is the man who sentenced so many of my fellow villagers to death, the man who leads the Security officers. Reality seems to slap me in the face. I'm in his house, and he's right here in front of me. An image of a mouse in a lion's den flashes into my thoughts.

Brenna steps smoothly away from me, as if she never said a word to me. "This one is, Father. I believe the rest of them have just left."

"Damn it." Lord Nolle shakes his head."I'll have to have someone call them back. There are more repairs to be done on this place than I thought. I guess that's what comes of living amongst Stilts filth."

Anger burns in my blood, searing my veins.

"As for you." His eyes turn to me, and I bow my head again in a show of respect I don't want to give him. "Come along with me. You might as well get to work."

He starts to walk, snapping his fingers to show that he intends for me to follow him. As if I'm a dog. Obediently, I do, heading back out towards the lavish garden outside.

I feel Brenna's gaze following me until I slip out the door. 


i finally updated today omg it's been a long time. i'm sorry. school started and i've been really busy. but anywayy. here's a new chapter hope you guys enjoy it.


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