Sin watched as Jack fell to the ground, for once, he didn't feel the need to laugh, or tease...No, he felt the need to cry, as he stared lifelessly at Jack. Once he landed Denise fell on him, like a cushion, and his arm hit the ground squirting like a popped water balloon. Deep down in Sin's heart. A feeling of softness, as-if he watched his father die infront of him all over again Sin, dropped to his knees, and painfully shrilled as he cried with a tear of blood. Suddenly, the skull on the hilt of his sword, glowed an ominous red, and the bones, that formed the balance of the hilt spreaded into demonic wings that decorated the blade. Sin's eyes started to glow the same itch of red, and trails of fiery tears traced around his body, forming a cocoon of blaze. Once it disappeared, Sin looked demonic, in an armor that acted like his own body was the armor itself, and a Horned being inside, that of which the mix of a goat, and human. This newer version of Sin dashed towards the dragon at full speed, and steadied his blade in a locked combat position. In one massive jump, and a combonation of blows, the beast bulleted out of the sky, and smashed on to the ground. Shrieking in massive pain, the beast couldn't lift a muscle, leaving the final blow to the head As soon as the beast gave it's last shrill, it's head collapsed, and the dark-matter violet that blazed it's scales dropped to a thinner, and so did Sin, who collapsed unconsciously to the ground. The battlefield was a mess, Only Liesl remained out of the group. She looked around at pieces of her convertable, and then everything unconcious, or dead in the battlefield. She took one deep breath, then fell over. "Why do I always have to clean others messes..." She whined. As time passed, the others started to rise from their unconciousness, except for the Dragon, and Jack. Some time passed, as Jack's eyes were glimmered at the corpse of the dragon, across the highway, staring in a dull, yet glad way. He could see 3 figures walking towards him, as he closed his eyes, with a smile of leaked blood. The next time he opened his eyes was in a bed, with the figures surrounding him, in addition to another walking in. "He's just barely clinging to conciousness, but he will be fine." One of them said. "It's a fortune he survived." Another one responded. His vision grew clearer. Sin, Liesl, Denise, and a Doctor surrounded his bed. "Should we give him time to rest?" Liesl said. The doctor nodded quickly, after jotting down some results on a notepad. As they started to leave the room, a faint call was heard only by Denise, the last one to leave. Jack took a mighty deep breath, and Denise parched around the corner. "Hey..." Jack said, sitting up-straight. Denise looked at him like she was staring at a miracle, she started to get excited, until Jack signaled to keep it down. In spite of him Back, and Arm damage, she tackled him on the bed. "I have so much to thank you for, and I'm so happy your alive! But I have so many questions on how you did it! How did you reach to the dragon's teeth? How did you endure losing an arm? How did you--" Denise was interrupted by Jack, placing a finger over her lips, to keep her calm. They approached each other slowly, and started to kiss. That's when the crumbling of a bag was heard. Denise, and Jack looked over to the Spectating chair to find Sin, devouring a bag of chips. "Oh! Don't mind me, it's just that a movie's never been this real before." He smirked jerkishly. Denise looked at him infuriated, until Jack placed his hand on her shoulder. "Glad to see you too, Sin" he replied. with his signature head-tilt and smile. Denise, then left the room slowly, as the conversation between Sin, and Jack grew gradually. "I have to say Jack, you really did an amazing job. But I need to ask you, what happened? Where did that rush of focus come from?" Sin toned his voice lower, as he continued. "How the hell did you know what to do, at the right time? It just seemed a little to perfect for someone know, 'Jack' as you are." Sin said, raising a curious brow. "I guess I'm just to Jack to be Jack. As soon as I saw her get snatched, I just felt the urge to save her." Jack said. "I have no idea how I did any of that, or how I was able to handle a situation so easily." He remarked, as Liesl walked into the room. "Well if it isn't 'Mr. Hero'...How are you feeling?" She said. Sin gave a short thought, and said. "I think I'll just go. In case 'Ms. Catfight' doesn't want to start anything." Sin mocked, as he left the room. Liesl looked at him, and shaked her head. "He's gonna drive me up a wall one day." She said, watching him recklessly stroll down the hall. While making his way to the lobby, an unfamiliar character entered the room. "I would like to visit 'Jack Rondelle'" The person said, keeping a low profile. He had an Eye-guard on, and Silver-ish purple draping hair, that was hidden beneath a royal hood. Then slowly made his way to the elevator. Sin unhesitantly joined him in the elevator. The whole ride up to the 7th floor, they never spoke. Sin noticed carefully, how he was gripping at something hidden beneath the robe. Sin grabbed at one of his pistols, beneath his jacket. "So..." Sin started, "You know Jack?" The person looked at him, with a feeling of hostile suspicion. He then drew a long, detailed dragon-katana from within the robe. "Hey, lower that. We're in public, you know." Sin smirked, as the door opened, and several people bundled inside. Sin vanished from the elevator. Leaving the unknown character even more confused than before.

Sins & Sympathy I: Book Of Edges
ActionThe world is always quiet for a short moment, the streets are empty, the pets are sleeping. Not a shiver, not a quiver, not a sound. It all ends when the cracks enlarge, the depths glow red with heat, and a Stone Giant, emerging from the quake. Equi...