Son of Severe, World's Defender - Chapter 3/Page 1

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Sin was walking down the halls of the hospital, approaching Jack's door. Upon entering, the mysterious figure was sitting in the spectation chair, sharpening his blade, while talking to Jack. "In other words, we can start this tradition, but it requires a small task. Sin entered the room all to slowly, leaving him the opportunity of stealth. He hid behind the curtains, listening deeper into the conversation. "What is this so called requirement?" Jack asked. "It's simple, but I'm not sure you'll like it." The person said. Sin couldn't trust this in the slightest. Jack was determined about the thought of what was about to happen. That's when the character nodded, and prepared a divine knife. Sin then dashed through the curtain with rebellion ready. The figure had just stabbed Jack in the heart. The blood splattered a crimson paint across the room. Sin thrusted his blade toward the character, who just dodged his fierce blow. He then grew blinding angelic wings and flew through the roof. "What the hell? Last time I checked you need to obey the laws of physics!" Sin said, rushing to the elevator. The elevator was crowded. Upon approaching the top 12th floor of the hospital, the elevator was called to the 4th floor. "Hey! Wait! No! GO BACK! Sin shouting at the control panel. An elderly man entered the elevator at the 4th floor, and exited on the 8th. Sin then pressed the 12th floor button again, and just as he arrived. The elevator was called to the 1st floor. A band of bizarrely dressed heroes entered the shaft, one wearing a White Orb Necklace, One in a squirrel suit, and a girl in a wisp-pettle skirt. They then left on the ride was taking forever, and Nobody talked. "Sorry, your destination may take some time to approach, we're having technical difficulties with Shaft A1, but we thank you for your patience!" An intercom said. After 10 minutes of waiting, Sin decided it's been to long. "Plug your ears, everyone." Sin said, drawing a pistol. The boy with the necklace said. "What are you going to do? We have to wait...What is that thing?" The boy said. Sin shot the lock to a latch-door on the ceiling of the shaft. The lock fell into the boy's hands, as Sin left. He then dropped a bundle rose into the hands of the Girl. The bouquet was signed with "Your's Truly, Sin". As the girl went in a flurry of love to climb through the latch, the two boys held her by the legs, and pulled her back. The boy in the squirrel suit turned to the the other, and said "Showoff's now-a-day's, hmm, Cruik?" Cruik turned to him "Shut up, Tuki..." He replied. Sin was climbing the shaft ladder to the final floor, when the elevator bolted up, almost crushing him to the ceiling of the Shaft's Pod. The unlikely band of adventurers ran out the elevator, and jumped to the next building, and so on. Sin gracefully slipped through the Latch-Door, and approached the figure at the edge of the building. "What took you so long?" He said. Sin gave him a glare of attitude. "Why don't you try riding in the elevator of Stingy Old Men, and young children under pressure. I'm sure you'll love it as much as I did." Sin replied, giving him a chaotic smirk. His smirk dropped as soon as he saw the dagger, the grim edges splattered in Jack's blood. Sin then lowered to a bitter, and charged forward to the character. who flipped over his blow, landing to the ground, and freeing himself of the Royal Purple robe. As it fell, it was cut to ribbon by Sin. "You'll pay for that." The figure calmfully mumbled, as he was repeatedly dodging Sin's swift cuts. "You'll pay for my friend!" Sin chanted, as the strikes were faster. As he hit the figure, who was blown against the wall, he walked towards him. Closed his eyes, and sliced as hard as he can. Something stopped the blade. At once he opened his eyes, only to see Jack, stopping the blade at it's edge between his fingers, and then lowered it slowly. "Jack...You're not dead!" Sin shouted hugging him. Tears were rolling down his eyes. "And...Your arm! It's there!" Said Sin in unlikely joy. Jack's arm was a arm wove in fabrics of glowing string, and stitched with a golden gauntlet. Just before he could say another word, Jack said. "I didn't think I'd be a guardian angel, but I know I can't cower in the corner, or sit in the back seat. Sin was shocked, to hear him say that. "And now, I need to go find who I'm guarding." Bright angelic wings grew from his back, as he soar into the air, then dived deep into the building. He entered from the ceiling, and swooped into his room. Denise was walking down the hall, approaching the room with a card, and some flowers to help him feel better. When she entered, everything was dropped in suprise, to see Jack Sitting in the spectation chair, Wings spread, and holding a White Rose. Jack stood up, and walked slowly towards Denise, hands behind his back. Upon approach, he lended his left hand to her, with it, the White Rose. Denise took hold of it, and it split into pieces, converting into a ball of soft energy, allowing her to take his hand. Jack then flexed his wings, and sprang with her through the window, flying over the streets of Campbell. Denise flashed back to the words 'Just look deep into my eyes.' and did just that. Upon the landing they were on the tallest building of the inner-city. Jack's wings folded, as he approached her. Once nose to nose, his hands were wrapped around her. And they slowly began to kiss. Everything was perfect for the very moment. Sin stood there on the roof of the Hospital, gazing at the two. Alexander slowly walked along side him, opening a case of cigarettes wrapped in white birch, and golden tip lining. The sun slowly set, so did they.

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